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Goldin, Stephen

Entry updated 13 January 2025. Tagged: Author.

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(1947-    ) US author, married to Kathleen Sky 1972-1982, and to Mary Mason from 1987. He began publishing sf with "The Girls on USSF 193" for If in December 1965 and was runner-up for a Nebula for Best Short Story with "The Last Ghost" (in Protostars, anth 1971, ed David Gerrold & Stephen Goldin). After co-editing (anonymously) several anthologies with David Gerrold, he published some stereotyped adventures for Laser Books, beginning with Herds (1975), but soon became better known for the Family D'Alembert sequence, a ten-book series of E E "Doc" Smith Ties. The first volume, The Imperial Stars (May 1964 If by E E Smith; exp 1976), was directly based on Smith's story featuring the members of a large family who spend their lives saving the Galaxy from a variety of threats; subsequent volumes – beginning with Stranglers' Moon (1976) and ending with Revolt of the Galaxy (1985) – were derived from this initial, highly traditional Space Opera premise. In 2010 Goldin re-imagined or rebooted this sequence as the ten-volume Agents of ISIS series opening with Tsar Wars (2010), an original novel not tied to E E Smith, with the sequels heavily revised to match the new setting: a universe now, in the author's phrase, "100% Goldin".

Goldin's other later work is more varied. The Eternity Brigade (1980) is an interestingly nightmarish vision of warfare among various mercenary soldiers whose personalities have been reincarnated (see Reincarnation). A World Called Solitude (1981) is a somewhat overburdened drama of identity. The light Rehumanization of Jade Darcy sequence, with Mary Mason, begins with The Rehumanization of Jade Darcy: Jade Darcy and the Affair of Honor (1988) at a café called Rix's on an entrepôt planet much like, one supposes, Morocco in 1942; and continues with The Rehumanization of Jade Darcy: Jade Darcy and the Zen Pirates (1990). Goldin collaborated anonymously with David Gerrold on several 1970s anthologies, beginning with Protostars (anth 1971), and has served as editor of SFWA Bulletin. He cannot be called an original force in sf, but he seldom violated his brief of providing well-crafted entertainments. [JC]

see also: Aliens; Telepathy.

Stephen Charles Goldin

born Philadelphia, Pennsylvania: 28 February 1947



Family D'Alembert

Rehumanization of Jade Darcy

Parsina Saga

Agents of ISIS

Books #2 to #10 are based on the corresponding volumes of Family D'Alembert.

  • Tsar Wars (San Ramon, California: Parsina Press, 2010) [Agents of ISIS: pb/]
  • Treacherous Moon (San Ramon, California: Parsina Press, 2010) [Agents of ISIS: pb/]
  • Robot Mountain (San Ramon, California: Parsina Press, 2010) [Agents of ISIS: pb/]
  • Sanctuary Planet (San Ramon, California: Parsina Press, 2010) [Agents of ISIS: pb/]
  • Stellar Revolution (San Ramon, California: Parsina Press, 2010) [Agents of ISIS: pb/]
  • Purgatory Plot (San Ramon, California: Parsina Press, 2010) [Agents of ISIS: pb/]
  • Traitors' World (San Ramon, California: Parsina Press, 2010) [Agents of ISIS: pb/]
  • Counterfeit Stars (San Ramon, California: Parsina Press, 2010) [Agents of ISIS: pb/]
  • Outworld Invaders (San Ramon, California: Parsina Press, 2010) [Agents of ISIS: pb/]
  • Galactic Collapse (San Ramon, California: Parsina Press, 2010) [Agents of ISIS: pb/]

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