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Hansen, Karl

Entry updated 12 September 2022. Tagged: Author.

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(1950-    ) US author who began publishing sf with "The Killers" (September 1975 Analog) and "A Red, White and Blue Fourth of July" in 2076: The American Tricentennial (anth 1976) edited by Edward Bryant, and who published stories fairly frequently in the late 1970s and 1980s. His first novel, War Games (as "Sergeant Pepper" in The Berkley Showcase: New Writings in Science Fiction and Fantasy, Vol. 1, anth 1980, ed Victoria Schochet and John Silbersack; exp 1981), is a surprisingly searing Military SF vision of blood, sweat and tears for nought; it is set in the loose Hybrid universe, as is his second, Dream Games (May 1985 Omni as "Dreams Unwind"; exp 1985), which less interestingly describes a rebellion against a Computer-controlled Dystopia, though the background information is at times intriguing. Further volumes of the Hybrid series were anticipated but have not appeared. [JC]

Karl Hansen

born Salt Lake City, Utah: 19 September 1950





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