Heslop, Val
Entry updated 7 August 2023. Tagged: Author.

Working name of Valentine Voltaire Heslop (1894-1946), Australian author whose Lost Race tale, The Lost Civilization: A Story of Adventure in Central Australia (1936), is set in an Underground world beneath Australia inhabited by a technologically advanced white race, a monarchy descended from both Ancient Egyptians and Mayans. Telepathy is in evidence; women (see Women in SF) are under the control of their male "betters". Disaster ensues, ending this world. [JC]
Valentine Voltaire Heslop
born Wentworth, New South Wales: 1894
died New South Wales: 1946
- The Lost Civilization: A Story of Adventure in Central Australia (Sydney, New South Wales: St George Publishing Co, 1936) [hb/]
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