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Heymann, Robert

Entry updated 18 November 2024. Tagged: Author.

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(1879-1946) German playwright, screenwriter, film director and author of a loose series of sf novellas, Wunder der Zukunft: Romane aus dem dritten Jahrtausend ["Wonders of the Future: Novels from the Third Millennium"]. In the second of these, Der rote Komet (1909; trans Bradley Hall as The Red Comet 2013 chap), the famous astronomer Romulus Futurus ("Futurus" being an honorific) has invented (see Inventions) a camera capable of penetrating fog and other obstacles to the truth, and through it identifies an approaching Comet seemingly capable of destroying our planet. In the event, the Disaster is averted, but only after the comet's Rays have driven Futurus and thousands of Berliners into fatal obsessions, Sex and revolutionary impulses dominating, all of which Heymann conveys luridly. [JC]

Robert Heymann

born Munich, Bavaria, German Empire: 28 February 1879

died Munich, Germany: 1946

works (highly selected)

  • Der rote Komet (Leipzig, Germany: Julius Püttmann, 1909) [Wunder der Zukunft: Romane aus dem dritten Jahrtausend: pb/uncredited]
    • The Red Comet (Lexington, Kentucky: CreateSpace Independent Publishing Platform, 2013) [chap: trans by Bradley Hall of the above: pb/uncredited]



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