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Hughes, Denis

Entry updated 25 July 2024. Tagged: Author.

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(1917-2008) UK author who published some sf under his own name, but who wrote most of his paperback originals – principally for Curtis Warren – under a variety of pseudonyms. These included Marvin Ashton, Ray Barry, George Sheldon Brown, Dee Carter, John Lane, Grant Malcom [sic], G R Melde, Russell Rey and William Rogersohn, and the House Names Berl Cameron, Neil Charles, Lee Elliot, Marco Garron and its variant spelling Marco Garon, Gill Hunt, Von Kellar, Brad Kent, Rand Le Page, Van Reed and Arn Romilus. About fifty of his novels were published between 1949 and 1954; a further (very short) title appeared in 1955. He was among the most prolific of those British writers similarly engaged; like John S Glasby and the even more prolific R L Fanthorpe, Hughes made use of a wide range of sf themes with considerable invention, especially on some of his later fantasy stories, which often feature allegorical and/or dream sequences; but the books themselves were slackly written, albeit with some improvement over the years. The Rex Brandon sequence as by Marco Garon (see Macro Garron) comes precariously close to Edgar Rice Burroughs's Tarzan. The general carelessness of Hughes's writing was entirely understandable given the conditions under which he worked: Curtis Warren allowed him only three to four weeks per novel, with no time for second drafts. As his entire sf corpus can in a sense be seen as having been written at one go, titles are given in the Checklist below under the relevant pseudonyms, which are placed in alphabetical order. Irving Heine, author of a single title, was formerly thought to be a Hughes pseudonym but this seems not to be the case.

Hughes was reticent about revealing personal information; relatively little is known of his life. During his period of sweat-shop employment for Curtis Warren he was also writing Westerns [not listed below] under the name Ken Kester for the London publisher Herbert Jenkins, where he was allowed time for longer, better-crafted work that appeared in hardback form. After the collapse of Curtis Warren, Hughes switched to scripting Comics stories for D C Thomson and others from 1954 to 1988, appearing (chiefly with World War Two tales) in Eagle, Hotspur, Bullet, Wizard, Hornet, Victor and Warlord; owing to the demands of this work he ceased to write full-length novels. [JC/DRL/SH]

see also: E R Royce.

Denis Talbot Hughes

born London: 30 November 1917

died Chichester, Sussex: 15 January 2008



Rex Brandon

This sequence of jungle fantasies was loosely derived from Tarzan.

  • Jungle Allies (London: Curtis Warren, 1951) as by Marco Garon [Rex Brandon: pb/]
  • Death Warriors (London: Curtis Warren, 1951) as by Marco Garon [Rex Brandon: pb/]
  • Black Fury (London: Curtis Warren, 1951) as by Marco Garon [Rex Brandon: pb/]
  • White Gold (London: Curtis Warren, 1951) as by Marco Garon [Rex Brandon: pb/]
  • Black Sport (London: Curtis Warren, 1951) as by Marco Garon [Rex Brandon: pb/]
  • Bush Claws (London: Curtis Warren, 1951) as by Marco Garon [Rex Brandon: pb/]
  • Silent River (London: Curtis Warren, 1951) as by Marco Garon [Rex Brandon: pb/]
  • Veldt Warriors (London: Curtis Warren, 1951) as by Marco Garon [Rex Brandon: pb/]
  • Leopard God (London: Curtis Warren, 1952) as by Marco Garon [Rex Brandon: pb/]
  • Snake Valley (London: Curtis Warren, 1952) as by Marco Garon [Rex Brandon: pb/]
  • Fire Tribes (London: Curtis Warren, 1952) as by Marco Garon [Rex Brandon: pb/]
  • Mountain Gold (London: Curtis Warren, 1952) as by Marco Garron (sic) [Rex Brandon: pb/]

individual titles

Hughes titles are listed first, followed by others in alphabetical order of pseudonyms.

as by Marvin Ashton

as by Ray Barry

as by George Sheldon Brown

as by Berl Cameron

as by Dee Carter

as by Neil Charles

Neil Charles was a House Name of Curtis Warren.

as by Lee Elliot

as by Marco Garon or Garron

See the Rex Brandon series above.

as by Gill Hunt

Gill Hunt was a House Name of Curtis Warren.

as by Von Kellar

as by Brad Kent

Brad Kent was a House Name of Curtis Warren.

as by John Lane

as by Rand Le Page

as by Grant Malcom

as by G R Melde

as by Van Reed

as by Russell Rey

as by William Rogersohn

  • North Dimension (London: Brown Watson, 1954) as by William Rogersohn [pb/Leroi Osborne]
  • Amiro (London: Brown Watson, 1954) as by William Rogersohn [pb/Leroi Osborne]

as by Arn Romilus


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