Hurwood, Bernhardt J
Entry updated 12 September 2022. Tagged: Author.

(1926-1987) US author of various sorts including detections and a very early manual on adjusting to the Computer age: Writing Becomes Electronic: Successful Authors Tell How They Write in the Age of the Computer (1986). He wrote and edited occult and horror titles for the Young Adult market, like Strange Curses (coll 1975) and By Blood Alone (1979); the Man from T.O.M.C.A.T. soft-porn quasithriller sequence as by Mallory T Knight, beginning with The Man from T.O.M.C.A.T. #1: The Dozen Deadly Dragons of Joy (1967) and ending with The Man from T.O.M.C.A.T. #9: The Bra-Burner's Brigade (1971); and The Invisibles sequence, comprising The Invisibles (1971) and The Mind Master (1973), were sf stories about a Mad Scientist who conducts experiments on human subjects. Kingdom of the Spiders (1977) was a film tie (see Kingdom of the Spiders). [JC]
Bernhardt Jackson Hurwood
born New York: 22 July 1926
died New York: 5 September 1987
works (highly selected)
Man from T.O.M.C.A.T.
- The Man from T.O.M.C.A.T. #1: The Dozen Deadly Dragons of Joy (New York: Award Books, 1967) as Mallory T Knight [Man from T.O.M.C.A.T.: pb/]
- The Man from T.O.M.C.A.T. #2: The Million Missing Maidens (New York: Award Books, 1967) as Mallory T Knight [Man from T.O.M.C.A.T.: pb/]
- The Man from T.O.M.C.A.T. #3: The Terrible Ten (New York: Award Books, 1967) as Mallory T Knight [Man from T.O.M.C.A.T.: pb/]
- The Man from T.O.M.C.A.T. #4: The Dirty Rotten Depriving Ray (New York: Award Books, 1967) as Mallory T Knight [Man from T.O.M.C.A.T.: pb/]
- The Man from T.O.M.C.A.T. #5: Tsimmis in Tangier (New York: Award Books, 1968) as Mallory T Knight [Man from T.O.M.C.A.T.: pb/]
- The Man from T.O.M.C.A.T. #6: The Malignant Metaphysical Menace (New York: Award Books, 1968) as Mallory T Knight [Man from T.O.M.C.A.T.: pb/]
- The Man from T.O.M.C.A.T. #7: The Ominous Orgy (New York: Award Books, 1969) as Mallory T Knight [Man from T.O.M.C.A.T.: pb/]
- The Man from T.O.M.C.A.T. #8: The Peking Pornographer (New York: Award Books, 1969) as Mallory T Knight [Man from T.O.M.C.A.T.: pb/]
- The Man from T.O.M.C.A.T. #9: The Bra-Burner's Brigade (New York: Award Books, 1971) as Mallory T Knight [Man from T.O.M.C.A.T.: pb/]
- The Invisibles (Greenwich, Connecticut: Fawcett Gold Medal, 1971) [Invisibles: pb/]
- The Mind Master (Greenwich, Connecticut: Fawcett Gold Medal, 1973) [Invisibles: pb/]
individual titles
- Dracutwig (New York: Award Books, 1969) as Mallory T Knight [pb/]
- Strange Curses (New York: Scholastic Book Services, 1975) [coll: pb/]
- Kingdom of the Spiders: Novelization (New York: Ace Books, 1977) [tie to the film: pb/]
- By Blood Alone (New York: Charter Books, 1979) [pb/]
- Vampires, Werewolves & Other Demons (New York: Scholastic Book Services, 1972) [coll: pb/]
- Eerie Tales of Terror & Dread (New York: Scholastic Book Services, 1973) [coll: pb/]
- Terror By Night (New York: Lancer Books, 1963) [nonfiction: Vampires: pb/V Ross]
- The Vampire Papers (New York: Pinnacle Books, 1976) [nonfiction: rev vt of the above: Vampires: pb/]
- Writing Becomes Electronic: Successful Authors Tell How They Write in the Age of the Computer (New York: Congdon and Weed, 1986) [nonfiction: hb/]
works as editor
- Monsters Galore (Greenwich, Connecticut: Fawcett Gold Medal, 1965) [anth: pb/Harry Bennett]
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