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Entry updated 7 August 2022. Tagged: Publication.

German Print Magazine published in English and described as "The Magazine of International Science Fiction". It was edited by Ronald M Hahn, Olaf G Hilscher and Michael K Iwoleit and was an offshoot of their German magazine Nova (see Germany). It survived for just one issue, Spring 2005, and ceased due to poor sales. A neat, perfect-bound review-size edition of 204 pages, the magazine presented stories from ten countries: Argentina, Brazil, China, Croatia, England, Germany, India, Israel, Italy and South Africa. Most stories were seeing their first English translation, though they had appeared in their country of origin some years before, but three of the stories were new, "Her Destiny" by Guy Hasson, "Let's Talk About Death, Baby" by Sven Klöpping and "The Tetrahedron" by Vanada Singh. There was an article by Lavie Tidhar on science fiction in China, and another by Richard Kunzman on the need to broaden the horizons of sf. Brian W Aldiss provided an encouraging editorial. The fact that the magazine was not supported emphasizes the parochial nature of much English-language sf.

In September 2010 Michael Iwoleit relaunched InterNova as an Online Magazine accessible via the parent Nova magazine website. It was initially as courageous as before, presenting stories in English from seven countries including Argentina, Brazil, Croatia, Italy and South Africa. This included recent stories as well as classics, plus a non-fiction section. It began monthly, but became bi-monthly by March 2011 and then less regular, ending after 17 "uploads" (as they were termed) in June 2013. These later issues usually ran only three stories plus an occasional feature. Most stories were from Europe and South America. Despite Iwoleit's determination, and the growing interest in international sf, these features attracted only minor interest.

A "third incarnation" revival was announced in early 2022, with downloadable issues to be released bimonthly. The contents list for #1 dated July 2022 appeared on the website [see links below] in that month, with story and editorial links added subsequently. [MA]

see also: Orphia.


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