Invasion [film]
Entry updated 21 June 2022. Tagged: Film.
Film (1966). Merton Park, American International Pictures. Directed by Alan Bridges. Written by Roger Marshall, based on an original story by Robert Holmes. Cast includes Lyndon Brook, Valerie Gearon, Edward Judd and Yōko Tani. 82 minutes. Black and white.
This interesting UK film tells of two humanoid Aliens of East Asian appearance whose Spaceship crash-lands on Earth outside a country hospital. It turns out that one is a prisoner of the other. Further alien "Lystrians", members of an extraterrestrial police force (see Crime and Punishment) arrive; their unnamed leader (Tani) demands that the hospital's Doctor Mike Vernon (Judd) hand over the prisoner. When their request is refused they place an impenetrable Force Field around the hospital, but are finally outwitted by the protective doctor. Bridges creates a powerfully strange atmosphere despite a very small budget.
Portions of this storyline were recycled by Holmes in his script for the four-part Doctor Who serial "Spearhead from Space" (3-24 January 1970), opening the series' seventh season and introducing the Third Doctor. [JB/PN/DRL]
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