Koman, Victor
Entry updated 12 September 2022. Tagged: Author.

(1954- ) US author who began publishing sf with "When It Worked" for New Libertarian Notes, 5 September 1976. Much of his subsequent output has emphasized material and points of view that could be characterized under the Libertarianism rubric. After publishing Starship Women (15 July 1977-10 March 1978 Impulse as "Saucer Sluts"; 1980), and collaborating with Andrew J Offutt under the joint pseudonym John Cleve for two Spaceways sf adventures, Spaceways #13: Jonuta Rising! (1983) and Spaceways #17: The Carnadyne Horde (1984), Koman released his first novel of substance, The Jehovah Contract (1985 Germany, trans as Der Jehova-Vertrag; 1987), in which a Los Angeles private eye is commissioned, in 1999, to kill God; the ensuing events might be considered blasphemous by some readers. In Solomon's Knife (1989) abortions are averted through a medical technique which allows the transfer of foetuses into the wombs of infertile women who want a child. With Brad Linaweaver he was a principal author of "The Prometheus Meltdown" (1990 New Libertarian #187), a Round-Robin libertarian tale in the magazine's Robert A Heinlein memorial issue; other contributors were J Neil Schulman, Robert Shea and Robert Anton Wilson. Captain Anger #1: The Microbotic Menace (1998) begins a sequence which seems to have been aborted; Death's Dimensions: A Psychotic Space Opera (February 1978 Galaxy; much exp 1999) [JC]
Victor Paul Koman
born San Francisco, California: 9 August 1954
- Spaceways #13: Jonuta Rising! (New York: Berkley Books, 1983) with Andrew J Offutt, writing together as by John Cleve [Spaceways: pb/Ken Barr]
- Spaceways #17: The Carnadyne Horde (New York: Berkley Books, 1984) with Andrew J Offutt, writing together as by John Cleve [Spaceways: pb/]
individual titles
- Starship Women (Encino, California: World-Wide Publishing Co, 1980) [note that Impulse, where this was serialized 15 July 1977-10 March 1978 as "Saucer Sluts" (in issues #82-#90, #92, and #97-#99), was a fortnightly Los Angeles singles-ad newspaper and not the alternate title of Science Fantasy magazine: pb/]
- The Jehovah Contract (New York: Franklin Watts, 1987) [previously issued in 1985 Germany as Der Jehova-Vertrag: trans from manuscript: hb/Jim Burns]
- Solomon's Knife (New York: Franklin Watts, 1989) [hb/]
- Kings of the High Frontier (Centreville, Virginia: Bereshith Publishing/Final Frontier Books, 1998) [projected series, no further volumes published: High Pilgrimage: hb/Rob Prior]
- Captain Anger #1: The Microbotic Menace (Mill Valley, California: Pulpless.com, 1999) [projected series, no further volumes published: Captain Anger: pb/Victor Koman]
- Death's Dimensions: A Psychotic Space Opera (Mill Valley, California: Pulpless.com, 1999) [early version appeared February 1978 Galaxy: pb/Billy Tackett]
- Millennium: Weeds (New York: HarperCollins, 2000) [tie to Millennium: pb/]
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