Linaweaver, Brad
Entry updated 12 September 2022. Tagged: Author.

(1952-2019) US author who began publishing work of genre interest with "The Competitor" for Fantastic in July 1980, and who came to general notice with his first novel, Moon of Ice (March 1982 Amazing; exp 1988), set in an Alternate History where a Nazi-controlled Europe (see Hitler Wins) and a freedom-loving USA confront each other in a nuclear standoff. The original novella (itself revised in 1986) conveys considerable impact in its description of the confrontation between the supremely pragmatic and practical Joseph Goebbels and a mystical inner circle of the SS which plans to replace humanity by Übermenschen. The novel, which also contains the story of Goebbels's daughter's life as an anarchist revolutionary and the portrait of an explicitly Libertarian US citizen, adds little to the original. With Victor Koman he was a principal author of "The Prometheus Meltdown" (1990 New Libertarian #187), a Round-Robin libertarian tale written for the magazine's Robert A Heinlein memorial issue; other contributors were J Neil Schulman, Robert Shea and Robert Anton Wilson.
Later work includes various Sharecrops such as the four Doom Videogame Ties written with Dafydd ab Hugh, beginning with Knee-Deep in the Dead (1995), which takes its title from the first segment of the original Doom First Person Shooter game; the standout volume may be Infernal Sky (1996), which spoofishly combines horror, Invasion from supernatural other Dimensions and Alien succour. Sliders: The Novel (1998), Tied to the Television series, won the 1997 Prometheus Award for best Libertarian novel. Linaweaver also wrote three Ties set in the Battlestar Galactica world with Richard Hatch, beginning with Battlestar Galactica: Paradis (2003). Of considerably more interest is Anarquia (2004) with J Kent Hastings, an independent tale with some thematic links to Moon of Ice, though the outcome differs radically: the Jonbar Point for this Alternate History is Wernher von Braun's decision to work for the anarchists in the Spanish Civil War rather than for Nazi Germany; real figures like George Orwell and Ayn Rand and several Hollywood figures appear, moderately transfigured. [NT/JC]
Bradford Swain Linaweaver
born Washington, North Carolina: 1 September 1952
died Orlando, Florida: 29 August 2019
- Knee-Deep in the Dead (New York: Pocket Books, 1995) with Dafydd ab Hugh [tie to Doom: Doom: pb/Robert Hunt]
- Hell on Earth (New York: Pocket Books, 1995) with Dafydd ab Hugh [tie to Doom: Doom: pb/Brom]
- Infernal Sky (New York: Pocket Books, 1996) with Dafydd ab Hugh [tie to Doom: Doom: pb/Romas Kukalis]
- Endgame (New York: Pocket Books, 1996) with Dafydd ab Hugh [tie to Doom: Doom: pb/Romas Kukalis]
Battlestar Galactica
- Battlestar Galactica: Paradis (New York: Pocket Books, 2003) with Richard Hatch [tie to Battlestar Galactica: Battlestar Galactica: pb/Bob Larkin]
- Battlestar Galactica: Redemption (New York: Pocket Books, 2005) with Richard Hatch [tie to Battlestar Galactica: Battlestar Galactica: pb/Bob Larkin]
- Battlestar Galactica: Destiny (New York: Pocket Books, 2005) with Richard Hatch [tie to Battlestar Galactica: Battlestar Galactica: pb/Bob Larkin]
individual titles
- Moon of Ice (New York: William Morrow/Arbor House, 1988) [exp from story in March 1982 Amazing: hb/Peter Thorpe]
- Sliders: The Novel (New York: Berkley Boulevard, 1998) [tie to Sliders: pb/]
- The Land Beyond Summer (Pahrump, Nevada: Pulpless Com, 1999) [pb/John Ng]
- Clownface (Pahrump, Nevada: Pulpless Com, 1999) [coll: pb/Billy Tackett]
- Anarquia (Holicong, Pennsylvania: James A Rock and Co, Publishers/Sense of Wonder Press, 2004) with J Kent Hastings [hb/Kelly Freas]
- Worlds of Tomorrow: The Amazing Universe of Science Fiction Art (Portland, Oregon: Collector's Press, 2004) with Forrest J Ackerman [hb/Howard V Brown]
works as editor
- Free Space (New York: Tor, 1997) with Edward E Kramer [anth: hb/John Berkey]
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