Lowenstein, Sallie
Entry updated 12 September 2022. Tagged: Author.

(1949- ) US author of tales for younger children and Young Adult novels, often with fantastic settings. Of sf interest are Evan's Voice (1998), set in a future Dystopia where the protagonist cares for his young brother Evan whose has been rendered speechless by a plague – eventually hope dawns; Focus (2001), which takes place on a future Earth where Genetic Engineering supposedly shapes the young for the kinds of work now available, but fails with the protagonist, whose multi-faceted mind may save the mining planet he and his parents emigrate to; Sender Unknown (2002), set an undetermined distance into the future, where a young man inadvertently orders – by archaic parcel post – some action figures which turn out to be several unregistered but seemingly human children who should not exist, but transform his life; In the Company of Whispers (2008), which intriguingly intermixes (see Equipoise) genuine memories and photographs of the author's childhood time in Burma with a Near Future tale, set in a Dystopian Keep-like city in 2047, where an ancient woman (i.e., the author herself) is magically capable of imparting the live past to two young people who long for a green world; Geneses: Alien Creation Myths and Their Descendants (coll of linked stories 2012), contrasting Alien Mythologies with light-hearted Space Opera; and The Photographist (2015), a coming-of-age tale much recomplicated by Timeslips. [JC/DRL]
Sallie C Lowenstein
born Washington, District of Columbia: 20 July 1949
- The Mt Olympus Zoo (Kensington, Maryland: Lion Stone Books, 1997) [illus/pb/Sallie Lowenstein]
- Evan's Voice (Kensington, Maryland: Lion Stone Books, 1998) [illus/pb/Sallie Lowenstein]
- Focus (Kensington, Maryland: Lion Stone Books, 2001) [illus/pb/Sallie Lowenstein]
- Sender Unknown (Kensington, Maryland: Lion Stone Books, 2003) [illus/pb/Sallie Lowenstein]
- In the Company of Whispers (Kensington, Maryland: Lion Stone Books, 2008) [illus/hb/photographic]
- Geneses: Alien Creation Myths and Their Descendants (Kensington, Maryland: Lion Stone Books, 2012) [coll of linked stories: illus/pb/Sallie Lowenstein]
- The Photographist (Kensington, Maryland: Lion Stone Books, 2015) [illus/photographic: pb/Sallie Lowenstein]
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