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Moore, F Frankfort

Entry updated 25 November 2024. Tagged: Author.

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(1855-1931) Irish journalist, playwright and author, active from 1875, some of whose eighty or more novels contain supernatural elements; his satires against the idea of Irish Home Rule are not fantastic. Tales of sf interest include The Secret of the Court: A Romance of Life and Death (1895), in which a vast Underground complex is discovered beneath contemporary Egypt, home of the remnants of an ancient Lost Race whose high Technology is now lost, though the secret of reviving the dead is recovered; Dr Koomadhi of Ashantee (1906), whose protagonist enters into deadly Communication with a race of apes (see Apes as Human); and The Marriage Lease: The Story of a Social Experiment (1907; vt A Trial Marriage 1907), set in a Near Future Utopian City named Azalea, home of a failed attempt to introduce the idea of the marriage contract: the forces of Religion crush the notion with dispatch. [JC]

Frank Frankfort Moore

born Limerick, Ireland: 15 May 1855

died Lewes, Sussex: 11 May 1931

works (selected)


  • The Other World (London: Eveleigh Nash, 1904) [coll: contains Dr Koomadhi of Ashantee above plus other stories: hb/]


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