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Morgan, Dan

Entry updated 25 March 2024. Tagged: Author.

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(1925-2011) UK poet, author and professional guitarist, about which instrument he wrote two successful manuals, Guitar (1965) and Spanish Guitar (1982). He began publishing sf with "Alien Analysis" for New Worlds in January 1952. His first sf novels, Cee-Tee Man (1955) and The Uninhibited (August-October 1957 New Worlds as "Uninhibited"; 1961), were routine adventures, but The Richest Corpse in Show Business (1966) stood out for its slapstick guying of sf conventions. He published the Venturer Twelve Space-Opera series – A Thunder of Stars (1968), Seed of Stars (1972) and The Neutral Stars (1973) all with John Kippax – and the much more interesting Sixth Perception series: The New Minds (1967), The Several Minds (1969), The Mind Trap (1970) and The Country of the Mind (1975). In this latter series, which contains some of his most effective work, a band of people linked by their power of Telepathy solve problems, often in opposition to the world at large. In the later, relatively ambitious singleton, Inside (1971), inhabitants of a huge Underground shelter (see Keep; Pocket Universe) on Mars are told they are actually housed underground on Earth, after a nuclear Holocaust; in the event, they learn that the holocaust was real, and that they have been preserved by Aliens on Mars against the day Homo sapiens may be deemed worthy of proper revival. Though he was not a powerful writer, and though he never transcended the US action-tale conventions to which he was so clearly indebted, it is all the same surprising that Morgan has been ignored. [JC]

see also: ESP; Media Landscape; Music.

Dan Morgan

born Holbeach, Lincolnshire: 24 December 1925

died 4 November 2011



Venturer Twelve

Sixth Perception

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