Most Thrilling Science Fiction Ever Told, The
Entry updated 30 June 2014. Tagged: Publication.
One of the many reprint Digest-size magazines published by Sol Cohen's Ultimate Publishing, Flushing, using reprint rights acquired when he bought Amazing Stories and Fantastic. 42 issues [Summer] 1966 to July 1975. Issues #1-#13 and #18 appeared as The Most Thrilling SF Ever Told, other issues as Thrilling Science Fiction Adventures (#14-#17) and Thrilling Science Fiction (#19 to the end). The publishing schedule was a rather irregular quarterly. The first six issues were undated; the first 25 issues were numbered consecutively, but thereafter only month/year was used. Most issues used stories of medium to good quality by well known names from the period when Cele Goldsmith edited Amazing and Fantastic, but in #14-#25 older (and dreadful) stories by obscure authors were published, probably because of a dispute between Cohen and Science Fiction Writers of America regarding payment for the reprints. Another Ultimate magazine, Science Fiction Classics, merged with Thrilling Science Fiction for its last two issues in 1975. [BS]
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