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O'Shea, Patti

Entry updated 13 January 2025. Tagged: Author.

Pseudonym of US author Patti J Olszowka (?   -    ), much of whose romantic fiction is nonfantastic, though her most substantial series, the Light Warriors sequence beginning with In the Midnight Hour (2007), is Paranormal Romance [see The Encyclopedia of Fantasy under links below]. She is of sf interest in particular for the Jarved Nine sequence beginning with Ravyn's Flight (2002), a romantic Space Opera series part of which comprises a Planetary Romance set on Jarved, a newly discovered planet housing ancient Alien artifacts, which may have some connection with a deadly Monster. Various protagonists fall in love in an ancient City, where they uncover secrets. The Power of Two (2004) is an independent tale set in the Shared World 2176 sequence, at a time when American global hegemony has been shaken. [Jc]

Patti J Olszowka

born Georgia

works (selected)


Jarved Nine

Light Warriors

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