Pagetti, Carlo
Entry updated 12 September 2022. Tagged: Author, Critic.
(1945- ) Italian critic, since 1971 Professor of English Literature, first at the University of "G. D'Annunzio", Pescara-Chieti, then in other Italian universities: Siena, Bergamo, Turin, and most recently Milan, where he has taught since 1995, occupying several roles. He coordinated the doctoral program in English studies from its founding until 2005.
His Il senso del futuro: la fantascienza nella letteratura Americana ["The Meaning of the Future: Science Fiction in American Literature"] (1970) is the first serious literary study of the history of sf written by an Italian scholar. In Il senso del futuro Pagetti traced sf origins down through the history of English and American literature, analysing seminal works such as Mary Shelley's Frankenstein (1818; rev 1831) and H G Wells's novels, as well as engaging in a broad history of culture and of the relationships between science, literature and public opinion; later authors dealt with include Ray Bradbury, Philip K Dick, Robert Sheckley, Kurt Vonnegut Jr and others.
In the 1970s he published a study of Jonathan Swift, La fortuna di Swift in Italia ["Swift's Fortune in Italy"] (1971) and in Science Fiction Studies published essays on Wells, Dick and Katharine Burdekin, as well as reviews and articles on the development of an Italian criticism of sf and utopia. The 1980s were particularly prolific: he published the monographs I Marziani alla corte della Regina Vittoria ["Martians at Queen Victoria's Court"] (1986), on H G Wells's Scientific Romances, and Cittadini di un assurdo universo ["Citizens of an Absurd Universe"] (coll 1989), with essays on Ambrose Bierce, Burdekin, H P Lovecraft, Edgar Allan Poe and Mark Twain.
A strong interest in Utopian and Dystopian fiction led during the 1980s to the organization of several conferences and working groups, editing several volumes of proceedings, including George Orwell 1984: un romanzo del nostro tempo: atti del convegno di Giulianova ["George Orwell 1984: a Contemporary Novel: Proceedings of the Conference Held in Giulianova"] (anth 1986); Cronache dell'altra terra: Twain, De Mille e la nascita della distopia americana ["Chronicles form the Other Earth: Twain, De Mille and the Birth of American Dystopia"] (anth 1988) with Oriana Palusci; and Nel tempo del sogno: le forme della narrativa fantastica dall'immaginario vittoriano all'utopia contemporanea ["During Dream Time: Structures of Fantastic Narrative from Victorian Imagery to Contemporary Utopia"] (anth 1988).
In 1982 he founded and until 1987 edited the annual critical journal La città e le stelle ["The City and the Stars"], the first Italian publication devoted to sf criticism, and the only one until the coming of Anarres edited by Salvatore Proietti; Pagetti has served on the latter's editorial board since its launch in 2012. La città e le stelle was published by Nord (Milan), one of the biggest Italian publishers specializing in sf at that time; its termination after six issues must be ascribed to Italian academics' and intellectuals' lack of interest in sf at that time.
During the 1990s his critical work included an History of SF, I sogni della scienza: Storia della science fiction ["Science's Dreams: the History of Science Fiction"] (1993), and monographs focusing on the birth of the genre, nineteenth-century precursors and pioneers, Utopian forms and narrative structures; they include Astolfo sulla luna: Utopia e romance ["Astolfo on the moon: utopia and romance"] (1996) and Il diario e il microfono: Il pianeta di George Orwell ["Diary and microphone: the world of George Orwell"] (1994).
From the 2000s on, with an emphasis on English culture and history, he has investigated the assimilation of scientific discoveries both into sf and into other forms of collective imagery and public debate. The reception of Darwin's ideas is central to Il corallo della vita: Charles Darwin e l'immaginario scientifico ["The Coral of Life: Charles Darwin and Scientific Imagery"] (2010). He edited numerous collective volumes related to these themes, such as The Shape of a Culture: Il dibattito sulla cultura inglese dalla rivoluzione industriale al mondo contemporaneo ["The Shape of a Culture: The Debate on English Culture, from the Industrial Revolution to the Contemporary Age"] (2004) with Oriana Palusci, his associate in many projects over the years, and Darwin nel tempo: Modernità letteraria e immaginario scientifico ["Darwin Through the Ages: Literary Modernity and Scientific Imagery"] (2011); and on different aspects of sf and fantastic literature, such as Delicate Monsters: Literary Creatures of Wonder (2007) also with Palusci.
Alongside his critical writing, he edited two Anthologies of fantastic fiction: Nel tempo del sogno ["During Dream Time"] (anth 1988) and La lotta col drago: L'universo fantastico inglese da Beowulf a Tolkien ["The Fight with the Dragon: The Fantastic Universe in English Literature from Beowulf to Tolkien"] (anth 1990). Among many literary works he edited, introduced or annotated, there are Italian translations of many authors who have written sf; those not mentioned above include L Frank Baum, Angela Carter, Daniel Defoe, Charles Dickens, Anna Kavan, Nathaniel Hawthorne, Arthur Machen, Bram Stoker, Norman Spinrad, Anthony Trollope and Fay Weldon, among others. From 2000, he has been editing an edition of Philip K Dick's complete works in Italian for the publisher Fanucci (Rome).
Pagetti wrote the entry on Italy in the second edition of this encyclopedia. During the 1960s, in the Italian Galaxy, Oltre Il Cielo, Galassia and Gamma, also using the pseudonyms Carlo Milan and Gian Giacomo Mora, he published several stories, most of them included in Favole di lontananza ["Tales of the Distance"] (coll 1989), which remains his only volume of fiction. [GI/PN]
see also: Critical and Historical Works About SF.
Carlo Pagetti
born Codogno, Italy: 5 October 1945
- Favole di lontananza ["Tales of the Distance"] (Chieti, Italy: Vecchio faggio, 1989) [coll: binding unknown/]
- Il senso del futuro: la fantascienza nella letteratura Americana ["Future's Meaning: Science Fiction in American Literature"] (Rome: Edizioni di storia e letteratura, 1970) [nonfiction: pb/]
- Il senso del futuro: la fantascienza nella letteratura Americana (Milan-Udine, Italy: Mimesis, 2012) [nonfiction: rev of the above: with a new introduction by the author: pb/]
- La fortuna di Swift in Italia ["Swift's Fortune in Italy"] (Bari, Italy: Adriatica, 1971) [nonfiction: pb/]
- Little Dorrit. Dickens e il labirinto del linguaggio ["Little Dorrit. Dickens and the Maze of Language"] (Bari, Italy: Adriatica, 1975) [nonfiction: chap: binding unknown/]
- La nuova battaglia dei libri: Il dibattito sul romanzo in Inghilterra alla fine dell'Ottocento [The New Battle About Books: The English Debate Around the Novel at the End of the Nineteenth Century] (Bari, Italy: Adriatica, 1977) [nonfiction: pb/]
- Theodore Dreiser (Firenze, Italy: La nuova Italia, 1978) [nonfiction: pb/]
- Hard times e Great expectations: Problemi di critica dickensiana ["Hard Times and Great Expectations: Problems of Dickens Criticism"] (Pescara, Italy: Libreria dell'Universita, 1979) [nonfiction: binding unknown/]
- Joseph Conrad (Firenze, Italy: La Nuova Italia, 1984) [nonfiction: pb/]
- I marziani alla corte della regina Vittoria: The invisible man, War of the worlds, When the sleeper wakes di H.G. Wells ["Martians at Queen Victoria's Court: H G Wells's The Invisible Man, War of the Worlds, When the Sleeper Wakes"] (Pescara, Italy: Tracce, 1986) with Daniela Guardamagna and Clara Mucci [nonfiction: binding unknown/]
- Il nostro cammino tortuoso: Conrad tra autobiografia e fiction ["Our Winding Path: Conrad between Autobiography and Fiction"] (Pescara, Italy: Tracce, 1987) with Biagio D'Egidio and Francesco Marroni [nonfiction: binding unknown/]
- Cittadini di un assurdo universo: Poe, Mark Twain, Bierce, Lovecraft, Burdekin ["Citizens of an Absurd Universe: Poe, Mark Twain, Bierce, Lovecraft, Burdekin"] (Milan, Italy: Nord, 1989) [nonfiction: pb/]
- I sogni della scienza: Storia della science fiction ["Science's Dreams: the History of Science Fiction"] (Rome: Editori riuniti, 1993) [nonfiction: pb/]
- Il diario e il microfono: Il pianeta di George Orwell ["Diary and Microphone: the World of George Orwell"] (Turin, Italy: Tirrenia Stampatori, 1994) [nonfiction: pb/]
- Astolfo sulla luna: Utopia e romance ["Astolfo on the Moon: Utopia and Romance"] (Bari, Italy: Adriatica editrice, 1996) [nonfiction: pb/]
- Il corallo della vita: Charles Darwin e l'immaginario scientifico ["The Coral of Life: Charles Darwin and Scientific Imagery"] (Milan, Italy: Bruno Mondadori, 2010) [nonfiction: pb/]
works as editor
- Da Dickens a Fowles: Proposte alternative per una definizione della tradizione narrativa inglese ["From Dickens to Fowles: Alternate Propositions for a Definition of English Narrative Tradition"] (Varese, Italy: Magenta, 1974) [nonfiction: anth: binding unknown/]
- SH/SF: Da Shakespeare alla science fiction, percorsi della cultura inglese ["SH/SF: From Shakespeare to Science Fiction, Paths of English Culture"] (Pescara, Italy: Libreria dell'università, 1985) [nonfiction: anth: binding unknown/]
- George Orwell 1984: un romanzo del nostro tempo: atti del convegno di Giulianova ["George Orwell 1984: a Contemporary Novel: Proceedings of the Conference Held in Giulianova"] (Pescara, Italy: Clua, 1986) with Francesco Marroni and Oriana Palusci [nonfiction: anth: binding unknown/]
- Dimore narrate: Spazio e immaginario nel romanzo contemporaneo ["Narrated Dwellings: Space and Imagery in the Contemporary Novel"] (Rome: Bulzoni, 1988) with Gianfranco Rubino [nonfiction: anth: published in two volumes: binding unknown/]
- La città e il teatro: Dickens e l'immaginario vittoriano ["The City and the Theatre: Dickens and the Victorian Imagination"] (Rome: Bulzoni, 1988) with Maria Teresa Chialant [nonfiction: anth: pb/]
- Cronache dell'altra terra: Twain, De Mille e la nascita della distopia americana ["Chronicles from the Other Earth: Twain, De Mille and the Birth of American Dystopia"] (Pescara, Italy: Libreria dell'Università, 1988) with Oriana Palusci [nonfiction: anth: binding unknown/]
- Il laboratorio dei sogni: fantascienza americana dell'Ottocento ["Dreams' Laboratory: American Science Fiction in the Nineteenth Century"] (Rome: Editori riuniti, 1988) [nonfiction: anth: hb/]
- Nel tempo del sogno: le forme della narrativa fantastica dall'immaginario vittoriano all'utopia contemporanea ["During Dream Time: Structures of Fantastic Narrative from Victorian Imagery to Contemporary Utopia"] (Ravenna, Italy: Longo, 1988) [nonfiction: anth: binding unknown/]
- Philip K. Dick: il sogno dei simulacri: Una completa rassegna di contributi critici sull'opera letteraria dello scrittore americano ["Philip K Dick: Simulacrums' Dream: A Complete Review of Critical Contributions on the American Writer's Work"] (Milan, Italy: Nord, 1989) with Gianfranco Viviani [nonfiction: anth: pb/]
- La lotta col drago: L'universo fantastico inglese da Beowulf a Tolkien ["The Fight with the Dragon: The Fantastic Universe in English literature from Beowulf to Tolkien"] (Milan, Italy: Mondadori, 1990) [anth: pb/]
- Il palazzo di cristallo: L'immaginario scientifico nell'epoca vittoriana ["The Crystal Palace: Scientific Imagery During the Victorian Era"] (Milan, Italy: Mondadori, 1991) [anth: pb/]
- Cronache del futuro: Atti del convegno su fantascienza e immaginario scientifico nel romanzo inglese contemporaneo ["Chronicles of the Future: Proceedings of the Congress on Science Fiction and Scientific Imagery in the Contemporary English Novel"] (Bari, Italy: Adriatica, 1992-1994) with Oriana Palusci [nonfiction: proceedings of the congress held in Turin, May 1990, 2 vols: second vol titled Science foemina: pb/]
- L'impero di carta: La letteratura inglese del secondo Ottocento ["Paper Empire: English Literature During the Second Half of the Nineteenth Century"] (Rome: NIS, 1994; second edition Rome: Carocci, 1998) [nonfiction: anth: pb/]
- La città senza confini: Studi sull'immaginario urbano nelle letterature di lingua inglese ["Boundless City: Studies on the Urban Imagery in English-language Literatures"] (Rome, Italy: Bulzoni, 1995) [nonfiction: anth: pb/]
- In language strange: L'invenzione linguistica nella letteratura inglese ["In Language Strange: Linguistic Invention in English Literature"] (Turin, Italy: Tirrenia Stampatori, 1995) [nonfiction: anth: pb/]
- Intersections: La narrativa canadese tra storia e geografia [Intersections: Canadian Fiction Between History and Geography] (Bologna, Italy: Cisalpino, 1999) with Liana Nissim [nonfiction: anth: pb/]
- The Economy Principle in English: Linguistic, Literary and Cultural Perspectives (Milan, Italy: Unicopli, 2002) with Giovanni Iamartino and Marialuisa Bignami [nonfiction: proceedings of the nineteenth Conference of the Associazione Italiana di Anglistica, Milan, 21-23 october 1999: pb/]
- Mostri narrativi: Saggi sul romanzo femminile contemporaneo ["Narrative Monsters: Essays on Contemporary Feminine Novel"] (Milan, Italy: CUEM, 2002) [nonfiction: anth: pb/]
- Il gioco dei cerchi concentrici: Saggi sulla letteratura inglese da Shakespeare al Novecento ["Concentric Circles Play: Essays on English Literature from Shakespeare to the Twentieth Century"] (Milan, Italy: Unicopli, 2003) with Francesca Orestano [nonfiction: anth: pb/]
- Le guide del mattino: Alle origini della childrens literature ["Childhood's Beginning: At the Origins of Children Literature"] (Milan, Italy: CUEM, 2004) with Francesca Orestano [nonfiction: anth: pb/]
- The shape of a culture: Il dibattito sulla cultura inglese dalla rivoluzione industriale al mondo contemporaneo ["The Shape of a Culture: The Debate on English Culture, from the Industrial Revolution to the Contemporary Age"] (Rome: Carocci, 2004) with Oriana Palusci [nonfiction: anth: pb/]
- Delicate Monsters: Literary Creatures of Wonder (Milan, Italy: Cisalpino, 2007) with Oriana Palusci: [nonfiction: anth: pb/]
- Darwin nel tempo: Modernità letteraria e immaginario scientifico ["Darwin Through the Ages: Literary Modernity and Scientific Imagery"] (Milan, Italy: Cisalpino, 2011) [nonfiction: proceedings of the conference held in Milan, 11-12 November 2009: pb/]
- Carlo Pagetti (academic profile on University of Milan website)
- Carlo Pagetti's bibliography up to 2009, in the Catalogo SF, Fantasy e Horror, edited by E Vegetti, P Cottogni and E Bertoni
- Internet Speculative Fiction Database
- Picture Gallery
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