Pulp [fanzine]
Entry updated 19 February 2024. Tagged: Publication.
1. US Fanzine (1970-1981) edited by Robert E Weinberg. 14 issues from #1 (Fall 1970) to #13 (Fall 1981), the count being made up by the interpolated #5½ (July 1973); US quarto format from #1 to #5 (July 1973); octavo from #6 (Summer 1974) onward. This fanzine focused on the Pulp magazine tradition and featured many Interviews with pulp authors such as Frederick C Davis and Walter B Gibson. Contributors included Edmond Hamilton on Captain Future (#3, Summer 1971) – with the opening chapters of the first ever Captain Future tale, "The Horror on Jupiter", previously unpublished since rewritten and retitled by editorial request – and Philip José Farmer on Doc Savage (#5½, July 1973).
2. UK fanzine (1986-1991), edited in rotation by: A Vincent Clarke; Avedon Carol and Rob Hansen; John Harvey; and Pam Wells. 19 issues from June 1986 to Summer 1991, all UK quarto format, duplicated. Regular Pulp columnists were Chuck Harris with "Creative Random History" and David Langford with "Jetbuff Ltd."; other contributors included Christopher Priest, Bob Shaw and Walt Willis; most covers were drawn by Arthur Thomson as Atom. Pulp was a light-hearted fanzine of Humour, opinion and commentary somewhat in the tradition of Hyphen. [DRL]
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