Reid, Rob
Entry updated 12 September 2022. Tagged: Author.
(1966- ) US venture capitalist, journalist and author whose nonfiction Architects of the Web (1997) is a strong early study of the Internet (see also Media Landscape). His sf novel, Year Zero (2012) is a comic Satire on the Near Future Music industry. Two Aliens, who have been pirating Earth's music for decades, find that they have put the entire galaxy in hock when it comes time to pay the pipers. After On (2017) centres on an AI which, having gained self-awareness, realizes it must hide its existence from US government agencies and suchlike perils; there is considerable satire of Silicon Valley trends and social media platforms, the latter exemplified by the sinister and Facebook-like "Phlutter". [JC/DRL]
Robert H Reid
born New York: 2 October 1966
- Year Zero (New York: Ballantine Books/Del Rey, 2012) [hb/Base Art]
- After On (New York: Del Rey, 2017) [hb/David Stevenson]
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