Reynolds, Ted
Entry updated 4 January 2023. Tagged: Author.

Working name of US anaesthetist and author Theodore Andrus Reynolds (1938- ), who began publishing sf with "Just Imagine" in Beyond Fantasy Fiction for November 1953, becoming again active from 1977 and releasing about fifteen stories in the next decade or so. His first novel, The Tides of God (1989) – tenth of the third Ace Specials sequence initiated by Terry Carr and the first with editorial credit to Damon Knight (see Ace Books) – intriguingly allows the surmise that millennial fervour is caused, on a regular 1000-year basis, by a deranging Alien being whose expected arrival from deep space in the Far Future (the year is 3228) spurs the mounting of an expedition to destroy it. But Religion is a subject too complexly integrated into the human psyche to be excised by any quasimilitary sortie into the unknown; and the tale ends in ambiguity. [JC]
Theodore Andrus Reynolds
born Wisconsin: 8 October 1938
- The Tides of God (New York: Ace Books, 1989) [in the publisher's third Science Fiction Specials series: pb/Earl Keleny]
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