Rishi, Farah Naz
Entry updated 12 September 2022. Tagged: Author.

(? - ) US author whose first novel, I Hope You Get This Message (2019), reinvokes, with some twists, the traditional Young Adult scenario where a young protagonist (or in this case three friends) must somehow persuade a galactic council of homo sapiens's virtues; species extirpation will be the cost of failure. The message NASA receives from the Interplanetary Affairs Committee representing the Alien civilization of Alma is that one week remains before the verdict is given, so End of the World is nigh. As the novel is set two decades into the twenty-first century, the odds are less favourable than those typical of earlier examples from the SF Megatext; but the children, one of whom has hacked a Communications unit, succeed in making their case. [JC]
Farah Naz Rishi
- I Hope You Get This Message (New York: HarperTeen, 2019) [hb/Adams Carvalho]
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