Robinson, Frederick
Entry updated 12 September 2022. Tagged: Author.
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(? -? ) US author of The War of the Worlds: A Tale of the Year 2,000 AD (1914), a privately printed tale E F Bleiler describes as "ludicrously bad", but which has been cited several times for its thematic material: Utopian advances in Transportation and Technology; rampant Imperialism (see Race in SF); an Invasion from Mars; Politics; Yellow Peril; and New York threatened with destruction. [JC]
Frederick Robinson
- The War of the Worlds: A Tale of the Year 2,000 AD (Chicago, Illinois: privately, 1914) [pb/nonpictorial]
about the author
- Everett F Bleiler. Science-Fiction: The Early Years: A Full Description of More Than 3,000 Science-Fiction Stories ... (Kent, Ohio: The Kent State University Press, 1990) [nonfiction: p 630-631: hb/nonpictorial]
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