Roger, Noëlle
Entry updated 12 September 2022. Tagged: Author.
Pseudonym of Swiss author Hélène Dufour Pittard (1874-1953), whose sf novel, Le nouvel Adam (1924; trans P O Crowhurst as The New Adam 1926), is about a wholly logical and unpleasant Superman created by gland transplants. Finally, after having invented a nuclear Force Field, he blows himself up. Celui qui voit (1926; trans Robert Lancaster as He Who Sees 1935) is an occult fantasy. [JC]
see also: Adam and Eve.
Hélène Dufour Pittard
born Geneva, Switzerland: 25 September 1874
died Geneva, Switzerland: 14 October 1953
- Le nouvel Adam (Paris: Michel Albin, 1924) [hb/]
- The New Adam (London: Stanley Paul, 1926) [trans by P O Crowhurst of the above: hb/]
- Celui qui voit (Paris: Calmann- Lévy, 1926) [binding unknown/]
- He Who Sees (London: George G Harrap and Company, 1935) [trans by Robert Lancaster of the above: hb/]
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