Salwi, Dilip M
Entry updated 12 September 2022. Tagged: Author.
(1952-2004) Indian author, almost exclusively of work for Young Adult and younger readers. He wrote much nonfiction, including Our Scientists (1986), containing biographies of Indian scientists, and Nonsense in Indian Science (1998). His sf was clearly directed, though with pleasing tact, towards educational purposes, with Alien characters introduced in considerable part in order to comment on the state of our planet; this work is generally set in the Near Future. Titles include Fire on the Moon and Other Stories (coll 1994) and Out of this World!: Stories About Aliens and Robots (coll 2011). [JC]
Dilip Madhukar Salwi
born Ratnagiri, Maharashtra, India: 19 July 1952
died New Delhi, India: 2 April 2004
works (selected)
- Fire on the Moon and Other Stories (New Delhi, India: Harper Collins/Indus, 1994) [coll: pb/]
- Out of this World!: Stories About Aliens and Robots (Delhi, India: Ratna Sagar, 2011) [coll: pb/]
- Our Scientists (New Delhi, India: Children's Book Trust, 1986) [nonfiction: hb/]
- Nonsense in Indian Science (Delhi, India: Konark Publishers, 1998) [nonfiction: pb/]
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