Scott, Jody
Entry updated 12 September 2022. Tagged: Author.

Working name of US author Joann Margaret Huguelet Scott Wood (1923-2007), whose first novel – Cure It With Honey (1952; vt I'll Get Mine 1958) with George Thurston Leite (1920-1985), writing together as Thurston Scott – was an underrated noir drug thriller. She began publishing work of genre interest with "Go for Baroque" (June 1961 F&SF), though she wrote little short fiction; of much greater importance is the three-novel Sterling O'Blivion/Benaroya Chronicles sequence opening with Passing for Human (1977), a joyously and at times scatologically tangled Satire of the post-industrial Western world from a Feminist point of view that wittily verges on misandry. The second volume I, Vampire (1984) – whose protagonist, the female Vampire O'Blivion from the first volume, is only intermittently relevant to the action – ends in a state of violent confusion after a love affair between O'Blivion and the Alien (Benaroya) who closely resembles Virginia Woolf, though a central message does remain: an arraignment of exploitation (or vampirism), whether on the part of slave-trading aliens (see Slavery), Earth-bound capitalists, men, or women. Publication of the third book, Devil-May-Care (written 1980s; 2016) was long delayed since according to the back-cover blurb it was deemed "too far out" for 1980s commercial publication. Here an intergalactic and perhaps literally diabolical threat to Earth must be opposed by characteristically bizarre means. [JC/DRL]
Joann Margaret Huguelet Scott Wood
born Chicago, Illinois: 13 January 1923
died Seattle, Washington: 24 December 2007
Sterling O'Blivion/Benaroya Chronicles
- Passing for Human (New York: DAW Books, 1977) [Sterling O'Blivion/Benaroya Chronicles: pb/Bob Pepper]
- I, Vampire (New York: Ace Books, 1984) [Sterling O'Blivion/Benaroya Chronicles: pb/Dagmar Frinta]
- Devil-May-Care (San Francisco, California: Strange Particle Press, 2016) [Sterling O'Blivion/Benaroya Chronicles: pb/]
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