Senarens, Luis Philip
Entry updated 18 November 2024. Tagged: Author.
(1863-1939) US editor, publishing aide and author. Under at least twenty-seven pseudonyms he wrote perhaps 2000 stories, mostly boys' fiction, beginning in his teens. In later life, when that market declined, he served as managing editor for the Tousey publications, edited the weekly Moving Picture Stories and wrote motion-picture scenarios. He remains best known for his early work. In 1879, under the House Name "Noname", he took over the Frank Reade series of dime novels (see Dime-Novel SF; Frank Reade Library), introducing Frank Reade Jr with Frank Reade Jr and His Steam Wonder (4 February 1879 Boys of New York; 1893 chap). His claim to have written "most" of the 179 Frank Reade titles seems not at all exaggerated; Jess Nevins's findings (see about the author below) are convincing. The first four Noname titles, all dealing with Frank Reade Jr's father, were by Harry Enton (1854-1927); the 174 Noname titles about Frank Reade Jr, all published between 1879 and 1899, are by Senarens, and all appear in The Frank Reade Library (omni 1979-1986 10 vols) edited by E F Bleiler. As a whole, the sequence hints at the worst in the dime-novel tradition: very bad writing, sadism, a rancorous disparaging of all races with the exception of WASPS, factual ignorance, coarse Imperialist Clichés about Manifest Destiny and the right of the White Man to rule the world. But the Frank Reade tales are, in the end, are also of interest for more positive reasons. They comprise a central set of examples of the development of the Edisonade, and were therefore central to the evolution of the dime novel from isolated Inventions toward Pulp sf, and were one of the central elements in the eventual creation of modern Children's SF.
Everything that can be said about the series applies more radically to the later and more violent Jack Wright sequence, This was entirely written by Senarens, who seems to have been more comfortable with his own creation than with the earlier boy hero, as evidenced in Jack Wright and Frank Reade, Jr, the Two Young Inventors; Or, Brains against Brains: A Thrilling Story of a Race around the World for $10,000 (1896 chap) as by Noname: Jack wins the race. With few exceptions, each tale begins with a new Invention, almost always a form of Transportation, including a variety of heavier-than air dreadnoughts, and even a Rocket that takes Wright into space; Lost Races are discovered with very considerable frequency, and given short shrift; the racism of the earlier sequence is rendered in more virulent terms before (see Race in SF), and the Imperialist assumptions that shape the classic Edisonade are more nakedly offensive here than before or after. The extraordinary if ill-couched energy that infuses the series remains mechanically attractive. [EFB/JE/JC]
Luis Philip Senarens
born New York: 24 April 1863
died New York: 26 December 1939
Ongoing research into the vast jungle of the American Dime Novel has progressed rapidly in the twenty-first century; in particular, the Edward T LeBlanc Memorial Dime Novel Bibliography [see under links below] has put much of this material into searchable form, the Checklist below draws upon it heavily, particularly in the presentation of a short-form list of the Jack Wright tales. Although the Frank Reade Jr stories are of at least equal sf interest, a reliable full bibliography, on which a short-form Checklist could be based, has not yet been completed; a suitably condensed Checklist will appear here in due course. Fortunately, E F Bleiler's ten-volume compilation, The Frank Reader Library (see below), reprints the entire series in omnibus form.
Frank Reade Jr (one separate title only; further titles to come)
- Frank Reade Jr and His Steam Wonder (New York: Frank Tousey, 1884) [chap: first appeared 4 February 1879 Boys of New York: Five Cent Awake Library: vol 1, no 625: pb/uncredited]
- Frank Reade Jr and His Steam Wonder (New York: Frank Tousey, 1893) [chap: first appeared 4 February 1879 Boys of New York: relationship between this and the above version undetermined: Frank Reade Library: vol 1, no 20: pb/uncredited]
- The Frank Reade Library (New York: Garland Publishing, 1979-1986) edited by E F Bleiler [omni: published in ten volumes: reprinting the complete Frank Reade: hb/]
Jack Wright
- Jack Wright, the Boy Inventor; Or, Hunting for a Sunken Treasure: A Story of Adventure under the Sea (New York: Frank Tousey, 1891) as by Noname [chap: in the publisher's Boys' Star Library series: #216: Under the Sea: Jack Wright: pb/uncredited]
- Jack Wright and His Electric Turtle; Or, Chasing the Pirates of the Spanish Main (New York: Frank Tousey, 1891) as by Noname [chap: in the publisher's Boys' Star Library series: #220: Jack Wright: pb/uncredited]
- Jack Wright's Submarine Catamaran; Or, The Phantom Ship of the Yellow Sea (New York: Frank Tousey, 1891) as by Noname [chap: in the publisher's Boys' Star Library series: #223: Under the Sea: Jack Wright: pb/uncredited]
- Jack Wright and His Ocean Racer; Or, Around the World in Twenty Days (New York: Frank Tousey, 1891) as by Noname [chap: in the publisher's Boys' Star Library series: #227: Jack Wright: pb/uncredited]
- Jack Wright and His Electric Canoe; Or, Working in the Revenue Service (New York: Frank Tousey, 1891) as by Noname [chap: in the publisher's Boys' Star Library series: #229: Jack Wright: pb/uncredited]
- Jack Wright's Air and Water Cutter; Or, Wonderful Adventures on the Wing and Afloat (New York: Frank Tousey, 1891) as by Noname [chap: in the publisher's Boys' Star Library series: #231: Jack Wright: pb/uncredited]
- Jack Wright and His Magnetic Motor; Or, The Golden City of the Sierras (New York: Frank Tousey, 1891) as by Noname [chap: in the publisher's Boys' Star Library series: #235: Jack Wright: pb/uncredited]
- Jack Wright, the Boy Inventor and His Under-Water Iron-clad; Or, the Treasure of the Sandy Sea (New York: Frank Tousey, 1892) as by Noname [chap: in the publisher's Boys' Star Library series: #238: Jack Wright: pb/uncredited]
- Jack Wright and His Electric Deers; Or, Fighting the Bandits of the Black Hills (New York: Frank Tousey, 1892) as by Noname [chap: in the publisher's Boys' Star Library series: #241: Jack Wright: pb/uncredited]
- Jack Wright and His Prairie Engine; Or, Among the Bushmen of Australia (New York: Frank Tousey, 1892) as by Noname [chap: in the publisher's Boys' Star Library series: #246: Jack Wright: pb/uncredited]
- Jack Wright and His Electric Air Schooner; Or, The Mystery of a Magic Mine (New York: Frank Tousey, 1892) as by Noname [chap: in the publisher's Boys' Star Library series: #253: Jack Wright: pb/uncredited]
- Jack Wright and His Electric Sea-Motor; Or, The Search for a Drifting Wreck (New York: Frank Tousey, 1892) as by Noname [chap: in the publisher's Boys' Star Library series: #257: Jack Wright: pb/uncredited]
- Jack Wright and His Ocean Sleuth-Hound; Or, Tracing an Under Water Treasure (New York: Frank Tousey, 1892) as by Noname [chap: in the publisher's Boys' Star Library series: #262: Jack Wright: pb/uncredited]
- Jack Wright and His Dandy of the Deep; Or, Driven Afloat in the Sea of Fire (New York: Frank Tousey, 1892) as by Noname [chap: in the publisher's Boys' Star Library series: #266: Jack Wright: pb/uncredited]
- Jack Wright and His Electric Torpedo Ram; Or, The Sunken City of the Atlantic (New York: Frank Tousey, 1892) as by Noname [chap: in the publisher's Boys' Star Library series: #271: Lost Race: Jack Wright: pb/uncredited]
- Jack Wright and His Deep Sea Monitor; Or, Searching for a Ton of Gold (New York: Frank Tousey, 1892) as by Noname [chap: in the publisher's Boys' Star Library series: #272: Jack Wright: pb/uncredited]
- Jack Wright, the Boy Inventor Exploring Central Asia in His Magnetic Hurricane (New York: Frank Tousey, 1892) as by Noname [chap: in the publisher's Boys' Star Library series: #275: Jack Wright: pb/uncredited]
- Jack Wright and His Ocean Plunger; Or, The Harpoon Hunters of the Arctic (New York: Frank Tousey, 1892) as by Noname [chap: in the publisher's Boys' Star Library series: #276: Jack Wright: pb/uncredited]
- Jack Wright and His Electric "Sea-Ghost"; Or, A Strange Under-Water Journey (New York: Frank Tousey, 1892) as by Noname [chap: in the publisher's Boys' Star Library series: #277: Jack Wright: pb/uncredited]
- Jack Wright, the Boy Inventor and His Deep Sea Diving Bell; Or, The Buccaneers of the Gold Coast (New York: Frank Tousey, 1892) as by Noname [chap: in the publisher's Boys' Star Library series: #279: Jack Wright: pb/uncredited]
- Jack Wright, the Boy Inventor and His Electric Tricycle Boat; Or, The Treasure of the Sun Worshipers (New York: Frank Tousey, 1892) as by Noname [chap: in the publisher's Boys' Star Library series: #281: Jack Wright: pb/uncredited]
- Jack Wright and His Under Water Wrecking Raft; Or, The Mystery of the Scuttled Ship (New York: Frank Tousey, 1892) as by Noname [chap: in the publisher's Boys' Star Library series: #283: Jack Wright: pb/uncredited]
- Jack Wright and His Terror of the Seas; Or, Fighting for a Sunken Fortune (New York: Frank Tousey, 1892) as by Noname [chap: in the publisher's Boys' Star Library series: #285: Jack Wright: pb/uncredited]
- Jack Wright and His Electric Diving Boat; Or, Lost Under the Ocean (New York: Frank Tousey, 1892) as by Noname [chap: in the publisher's Boys' Star Library series: #287: Jack Wright: pb/uncredited]
- Jack Wright and His Submarine Yacht; Or, The Fortune Hunters of the Red Sea (New York: Frank Tousey, 1892) as by Noname [chap: in the publisher's Boys' Star Library series: #289: Jack Wright: pb/uncredited]
- Jack Wright and His Electric Gunboat; Or, The Search for a Stolen Girl (New York: Frank Tousey, 1893) as by Noname [chap: in the publisher's Boys' Star Library series: #292: Jack Wright: pb/uncredited]
- Jack Wright and His Electric Sea Launch; Or, A Desperate Cruise for Life (New York: Frank Tousey, 1893) as by Noname [chap: in the publisher's Boys' Star Library series: #294: Jack Wright: pb/uncredited]
- Jack Wright and His Electric Bicycle Boat; Or, Searching for Captain Kidd's Gold (New York: Frank Tousey, 1893) as by Noname [chap: in the publisher's Boys' Star Library series: #296: Jack Wright: pb/uncredited]
- Jack Wright and His Electric Side-Wheel Boat; Or, Fighting the Brigands of the Coral Isles (New York: Frank Tousey, 1893) as by Noname [chap: in the publisher's Boys' Star Library series: #298: Jack Wright: pb/uncredited]
- Jack Wright's Wonder of the Waves; Or, The Flying Dutchman of the Pacific (New York: Frank Tousey, 1893) as by Noname [chap: in the publisher's Boys' Star Library series: #300: Jack Wright: pb/uncredited]
- Jack Wright and His Electric Exploring Ship; Or, A Cruise around Greenland (New York: Frank Tousey, 1893) as by Noname [chap: in the publisher's Boys' Star Library series: #302: Jack Wright: pb/uncredited]
- Jack Wright and His Electric Man-of-War; Or, Fighting the Sea Robbers of the Frozen Coast (New York: Frank Tousey, 1893) as by Noname [chap: in the publisher's Boys' Star Library series: #304: Jack Wright: pb/uncredited]
- Jack Wright and His Submarine Torpedo-Tug; Or, Winning a Government Reward (New York: Frank Tousey, 1893) as by Noname [chap: in the publisher's Boys' Star Library series: #306: Jack Wright: pb/uncredited]
- Jack Wright and His Electric Sea-Demon; Or, Daring Adventures under the Ocean (New York: Frank Tousey, 1893) as by Noname [chap: in the publisher's Boys' Star Library series: #308: Jack Wright: pb/uncredited]
- Jack Wright and His Electric "Whale"; Or, The Treasure Trove of the Polar Sea (New York: Frank Tousey, 1893) as by Noname [chap: in the publisher's Boys' Star Library series: #310: Jack Wright: pb/uncredited]
- Jack Wright and His Electric Marine "Rover"; Or, 50,000 Miles in Ocean Perils (New York: Frank Tousey, 1893) as by Noname [chap: in the publisher's Boys' Star Library series: #311: Jack Wright: pb/uncredited]
- Jack Wright and His Electric Deep Sea Cutter; Or, Searching for a Pirate's Treasure (New York: Frank Tousey, 1893) as by Noname [chap: in the publisher's Boys' Star Library series: #312: Jack Wright: pb/uncredited]
- Jack Wright and His Electric Monarch of the Ocean; Or, Cruising for a Million in Gold (New York: Frank Tousey, 1893) as by Noname [chap: in the publisher's Boys' Star Library series: #314: Jack Wright: pb/uncredited]
- Jack Wright and His Electric Devil-Fish; Or, Fighting the Smugglers of Alaska (New York: Frank Tousey, 1893) as by Noname [chap: in the publisher's Boys' Star Library series: #315: Jack Wright: pb/uncredited]
- Jack Wright and His Electric Demon of the Plains; Or, Wild Adventures among the Cowboys (New York: Frank Tousey, 1893) as by Noname [chap: in the publisher's Boys' Star Library series: #316: Jack Wright: pb/uncredited]
- Jack Wright and His Electric Balloon Ship; Or, 30,000 Leagues Above the Earth (New York: Frank Tousey, 1893) as by Noname [chap: in the publisher's Boys' Star Library series: #317: Jack Wright: pb/uncredited]
- Jack Wright and His Electric Locomotive; Or, The Lost Mine of Death Valley (New York: Frank Tousey, 1893) as by Noname [chap: in the publisher's Boys' Star Library series: #318: Jack Wright: pb/uncredited]
- Jack Wright and His Iron Clad Air-Motor; Or, Searching for a Lost Explorer (New York: Frank Tousey, 1893) as by Noname [chap: in the publisher's Boys' Star Library series: #319: Jack Wright: pb/uncredited]
- Jack Wright and His Electric Tricycle; Or, Fighting the Stranglers of the Crimson Desert (New York: Frank Tousey, 1893) as by Noname [chap: in the publisher's Boys' Star Library series: #320: Jack Wright: pb/uncredited]
- Jack Wright and His Electric Dynamo Boat; Or, The Mystery of the Buried Sea (New York: Frank Tousey, 1893) as by Noname [chap: in the publisher's Boys' Star Library series: #321: Jack Wright: pb/uncredited]
- Jack Wright and His Flying Torpedo; Or, The Black Demons of Dismal Swamp (New York: Frank Tousey, 1893) as by Noname [chap: in the publisher's Boys' Star Library series: #322: Jack Wright: pb/uncredited]
- Jack Wright and His Prairie Privateer; Or, Fighting the Western Road-Agents (New York: Frank Tousey, 1893) as by Noname [chap: in the publisher's Boys' Star Library series: #323: Jack Wright: pb/uncredited]
- Jack Wright and His Naval Cruiser; Or, Fighting the Pirates of the Pacific (New York: Frank Tousey, 1893) as by Noname [chap: in the publisher's Boys' Star Library series: #324: Jack Wright: pb/uncredited]
- Jack Wright, the Boy Inventor and His Whaleback Privateer; Or, Cruising in the Behring Sea (New York: Frank Tousey, 1893) as by Noname [chap: in the publisher's Boys' Star Library series: #325: Jack Wright: pb/uncredited]
- Jack Wright and His Electric Phantom Boat; Or, Chasing the Outlaws of the Ocean (New York: Frank Tousey, 1893) as by Noname [chap: in the publisher's Boys' Star Library series: #326: Jack Wright: pb/uncredited]
- Jack Wright and His Winged Gunboat; Or, A Voyage to an Unknown Land (New York: Frank Tousey, 1894) as by Noname [chap: in the publisher's Boys' Star Library series: #327: Jack Wright: pb/uncredited]
- Jack Wright and His Electric Flyer; Or, Racing in the Clouds for a Boy's Life (New York: Frank Tousey, 1894) as by Noname [chap: in the publisher's Boys' Star Library series: #328: Jack Wright: pb/uncredited]
- Jack Wright, the Boy Inventor's Electric Sledge Boat; Or, Wild Adventures in Alaska (New York: Frank Tousey, 1894) as by Noname [chap: in the publisher's Boys' Star Library series: #329: Jack Wright: pb/uncredited]
- Jack Wright and His Electric Express Wagon; Or, Wiping Out the Outlaws of Deadwood (New York: Frank Tousey, 1894) as by Noname [chap: in the publisher's Boys' Star Library series: #330: Jack Wright: pb/uncredited]
- Jack Wright and His Submarine Explorer; Or, A Cruise at the Bottom of the Ocean (New York: Frank Tousey, 1894) as by Noname [chap: in the publisher's Boys' Star Library series: #331: Jack Wright: pb/uncredited]
- Jack Wright and His Demon of the Air; Or, A Perilous Trip in the Clouds (New York: Frank Tousey, 1894) as by Noname [chap: in the publisher's Boys' Star Library series: #332: Jack Wright: pb/uncredited]
- Jack Wright and His Electric Ripper; Or, Searching for Treasure in the Jungle (New York: Frank Tousey, 1894) as by Noname [chap: in the publisher's Boys' Star Library series: #333: Jack Wright: pb/uncredited]
- Jack Wright and His King of the Sea; Or, Diving for Spanish Gold (New York: Frank Tousey, 1894) as by Noname [chap: in the publisher's Boys' Star Library series: #334: Jack Wright: pb/uncredited]
- Jack Wright and His Electric Balloons; Or, Cruising in the Clouds for a Mountain Treasure (New York: Frank Tousey, 1894) as by Noname [chap: in the publisher's Boys' Star Library series: #335: Jack Wright: pb/uncredited]
- Jack Wright and His Imp of the Ocean; Or, The Wreckers of Whirlpool Reef (New York: Frank Tousey, 1894) as by Noname [chap: in the publisher's Boys' Star Library series: #336: Jack Wright: pb/uncredited]
- Jack Wright and His Electric Cab; Or, Around the Globe on Wheels (New York: Frank Tousey, 1894) as by Noname [chap: in the publisher's Boys' Star Library series: #337: Jack Wright: pb/uncredited]
- Jack Wright and His Flying Phantom; Or, Searching for a Lost Balloonist (New York: Frank Tousey, 1894) as by Noname [chap: in the publisher's Boys' Star Library series: #338: Jack Wright: pb/uncredited]
- Jack Wright and His Submarine Warship; Or, Chasing the Demons of the Sea of Gold (New York: Frank Tousey, 1894) as by Noname [chap: in the publisher's Boys' Star Library series: #339: Jack Wright: pb/uncredited]
- Jack Wright and His Prairie Yacht; Or, Fighting the Indians in the Sea of Grass (New York: Frank Tousey, 1894) as by Noname [chap: in the publisher's Boys' Star Library series: #340: Jack Wright: pb/uncredited]
- Jack Wright and His Electric Air Rockets; Or, The Boy Exile of Siberia (New York: Frank Tousey, 1894) as by Noname [chap: in the publisher's Boys' Star Library series: #341: Jack Wright: pb/uncredited]
- Jack Wright and His Submarine Destroyer; Or, Warring against Japanese Pirates (New York: Frank Tousey, 1894) as by Noname [chap: in the publisher's Boys' Star Library series: #342: Jack Wright: pb/uncredited]
- Jack Wright and His Electric Battery Diver; Or, A Two Month's Cruise under Water (New York: Frank Tousey, 1894) as by Noname [chap: in the publisher's Boys' Star Library series: #343: Jack Wright: pb/uncredited]
- Jack Wright and His Electric Stage; Or, Leagued against the James Boys (New York: Frank Tousey, 1894) as by Noname [chap: in the publisher's Boys' Star Library series: #344: Jack Wright: pb/uncredited]
- Jack Wright and His Wheel of the Wind; Or, The Jewels of the Volcano Dwellers (New York: Frank Tousey, 1894) as by Noname [chap: in the publisher's Boys' Star Library series: #345: Jack Wright: pb/uncredited]
- Jack Wright and the Head Hunters of the African Coast; Or, The Electric Pirate Chaser (New York: Frank Tousey, 1894) as by Noname [chap: in the publisher's Boys' Star Library series: #346: Jack Wright: pb/uncredited]
- 3,000 Pounds of Gold; Or, Jack Wright and His Electric Bat Fighting the Cliff Dwellers of the Sierras (New York: Frank Tousey, 1894) as by Noname [chap: in the publisher's Boys' Star Library series: #347: Jack Wright: pb/uncredited]
- Jack Wright and the Wild Boy of the Woods; Or, Exposing a Mystery with the Electric Cart (New York: Frank Tousey, 1894) as by Noname [chap: in the publisher's Boys' Star Library series: #348: Jack Wright: pb/uncredited]
- Jack Wright among the Demons of the Ocean with His Electric Sea Fighter (New York: Frank Tousey, 1894) as by Noname [chap: in the publisher's Boys' Star Library series: #349: Jack Wright: pb/uncredited]
- Jack Wright, the Wizard of Wrightstown, and His Electric Dragon; Or, A Wild Race to Save a Fortune (New York: Frank Tousey, 1894) as by Noname [chap: in the publisher's Boys' Star Library series: #350: Jack Wright: pb/uncredited]
- Jack Wright's Electric Land Clipper; Or, Exploring the Mysterious Gobi Desert (New York: Frank Tousey, 1894) as by Noname [chap: in the publisher's Boys' Star Library series: #351: Jack Wright: pb/uncredited]
- Skull and Crossbone; Or, Jack Wright's Diving Bell and the Pirates (New York: Frank Tousey, 1895) as by Noname [chap: in the publisher's Boys' Star Library series: #352: Jack Wright: pb/uncredited]
- Jack Wright and His Phantom Frigate; Or, Fighting the Coast Wreckers of the Gulf (New York: Frank Tousey, 1895) as by Noname [chap: in the publisher's Boys' Star Library series: #353: Jack Wright: pb/uncredited]
- Jack Wright and His Airship on Wheels; Or, A Perilous Journey to Cape Farewell (New York: Frank Tousey, 1895) as by Noname [chap: in the publisher's Boys' Star Library series: #354: Jack Wright: pb/uncredited]
- Jack Wright and His Electric Roadster in the Desert of Death; Or, Chasing the Australian Brigands (New York: Frank Tousey, 1895) as by Noname [chap: in the publisher's Boys' Star Library series: #355: Jack Wright: pb/uncredited]
- Jack Wright's Ocean Marvel; Or, The Mystery of a Frozen Island (New York: Frank Tousey, 1895) as by Noname [chap: in the publisher's Boys' Star Library series: #356: Jack Wright: pb/uncredited]
- Jack Wright and His Electric Soaring Machine; Or, A Daring Flight Through Miles of Peril (New York: Frank Tousey, 1895) as by Noname [chap: in the publisher's Boys' Star Library series: #357: Jack Wright: pb/uncredited]
- Jack Wright and His Electric Battery Car; Or, Beating the Express and Train Robbers (New York: Frank Tousey, 1895) as by Noname [chap: in the publisher's Boys' Star Library series: #358: Jack Wright: pb/uncredited]
- Jack Wright and His Electric Sea Horse; Or, Seven Weeks in Ocean Perils (New York: Frank Tousey, 1895) as by Noname [chap: in the publisher's Boys' Star Library series: #359: Jack Wright: pb/uncredited]
- Jack Wright and His Electric Balloon Boat; Or, A Dangerous Voyage above the Clouds (New York: Frank Tousey, 1895) as by Noname [chap: in the publisher's Boys' Star Library series: #360: Balloons: Jack Wright: pb/uncredited]
- In the Jungle of India; Or, Jack Wright as a Wild Animal Hunter (New York: Frank Tousey, 1895) as by Noname [chap: in the publisher's Boys' Star Library series: #361: Jack Wright: pb/uncredited]
- 50,000 League under the Sea; Or, Jack Wright's Most Dangerous Voyage (New York: Frank Tousey, 1895) as by Noname [chap: in the publisher's Boys' Star Library series: #362: Jules Verne: Jack Wright: pb/uncredited]
- Jack Wright, the Boy Inventor Working for the Union Pacific Railroad; Or, Over the Continent on the "Electric" (New York: Frank Tousey, 1895) as by Noname [chap: in the publisher's Boys' Star Library series: #363: Jack Wright: pb/uncredited]
- Over the South Pole; Or, Jack Wright's Search for a Lost Explorer with His Flying Boat (New York: Frank Tousey, 1895) as by Noname [chap: in the publisher's Boys' Star Library series: #364: Jack Wright: pb/uncredited]
- Jack Wright and His Electric Air Monitor; Or, The Scourge of the Pacific (New York: Frank Tousey, 1895) as by Noname [chap: in the publisher's Boys' Star Library series: #365: Jack Wright: pb/uncredited]
- The Boy Lion Fighter; Or, Jack Wright in the Swamps of Africa (New York: Frank Tousey, 1895) as by Noname [chap: in the publisher's Boys' Star Library series: #366: Jack Wright: pb/uncredited]
- Jack Wright and His Electric Submarine Ranger; Or, Afloat among the Cannibals of the Deep (New York: Frank Tousey, 1895) as by Noname [chap: in the publisher's Boys' Star Library series: #367: Jack Wright: pb/uncredited]
- The Demon of the Sky; Or, Jack Wright's $10,000 Wager (New York: Frank Tousey, 1895) as by Noname [chap: in the publisher's Boys' Star Library series: #368: Jack Wright: pb/uncredited]
- Adrift in the Land of Snow; Or, Jack Wright and His Sledge Boat on Wheels (New York: Frank Tousey, 1896) as by Noname [chap: in the publisher's Boys' Star Library series: #369: Jack Wright: pb/uncredited]
- The Floating Terror; Or, Jack Wright Fighting the Buccaneers of the Venezuelan Coast (New York: Frank Tousey, 1896) as by Noname [chap: in the publisher's Boys' Star Library series: #370: Jack Wright: pb/uncredited]
- Lost in the Polar Circle; Or, Jack Wright and His Aerial Explorer (New York: Frank Tousey, 1896) as by Noname [chap: in the publisher's Boys' Star Library series: #371: Jack Wright: pb/uncredited]
- Jack Wright, the Boy Inventor and the Smugglers of the Border Lakes; Or, The Second Cruise of the Whaleback "Comet" (New York: Frank Tousey, 1896) as by Noname [chap: in the publisher's Boys' Star Library series: #372: Jack Wright: pb/uncredited]
- The Fatal Blue Diamond; Or, Jack Wright among the Demon Worshipers with His Electric Motor (New York: Frank Tousey, 1896) as by Noname [chap: in the publisher's Boys' Star Library series: #373: Jack Wright: pb/uncredited]
- Running the Blockade; Or, Jack Wright Helping the Cuban Filibusters (New York: Frank Tousey, 1896) as by Noname [chap: in the publisher's Boys' Star Library series: #374: Jack Wright: pb/uncredited]
- Jack Wright and Frank Reade, Jr, the Two Young Inventors; Or, Brains against Brains: A Thrilling Story of a Race around the World for $10,000 (New York: Frank Tousey, 1896) as by Noname [chap: in the publisher's Boys' Star Library series: #375: Jack Wright: Frank Reade: pb/uncredited]
- The Flying Avenger; Or, Jack Wright Fighting for Cuba (New York: Frank Tousey, 1896) as by Noname [chap: in the publisher's Boys' Star Library series: #376: Jack Wright: pb/uncredited]
- Jack Wright and His New Electric Horse; Or, The Perilous Trip over Two Continents (New York: Frank Tousey, 1896) as by Noname [chap: in the publisher's Boys' Star Library series: #377: Jack Wright: pb/uncredited]
- Over the Sahara Desert; Or, Jack Wright Fighting the Slave Hunters (New York: Frank Tousey, 1896) as by Noname [chap: in the publisher's Boys' Star Library series: #378: Jack Wright: pb/uncredited]
- Driving for a Million; Or, Jack Wright and His Electric Ocean Liner (New York: Frank Tousey, 1896) as by Noname [chap: in the publisher's Boys' Star Library series: #379: Jack Wright: pb/uncredited]
about the author
- Anonymous. "The American Jules Verne" (October 1920 Science and Invention) [mag/]
- E Alden. "Lu Senarens, Writer of a Thousand Thrillers" (April 1921 American Magazine) [mag/]
- Sam Moskowitz. "Ghosts of Prophecies Past" in Explorers of the Infinite: Shapers of Science Fiction (Cleveland, Ohio: World Publishing Co, 1963) [nonfiction: coll: hb/]
- E F Bleiler. Introduction to The Frank Reade Library (New York: Garland Publishing, 1979-1986) [omni: in ten volumes: reprinting the complete Frank Reade Library: hb/]
- Jess Nevins. The Encyclopedia of Fantastic Victoriana (Austin, Texas: MonkeyBrain Books, 2005) [nonfiction: pp734-737 for Frank Reade and 966-967 for Jack Wright: hb/John Picacio]
- Luis Philip Senarens at the Edward T LeBlanc Memorial Dime Novel Bibliography
- Internet Speculative Fiction Database
- Project Gutenberg
previous versions of this entry