Slater, Philip
Entry updated 12 September 2022. Tagged: Author.
(1927-2013) US academic (who abandoned his career as a professor of sociology in 1971), actor, playwright and author who remains best known for such acute analyses of Western culture as The Pursuit of Loneliness (1970) and Earthwalk (1974). His How I Saved the World (1985), about nuclear Disaster, reiterates in spoof-thriller guise the lessons urged in his nonfiction; en passant he mocks conspiracy theories, occult divinations, the counter-culture, establishment culture, and much else. [JC]
Philip Elliot Slater
born Riverton, New Jersey: 15 May 1927
died Santa Cruz, California: 20 June 2013
works (selected)
- How I Saved the World (New York: E P Dutton, 1985) [hb/Nancy Etheridge]
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