Smith, Artegall
Entry updated 12 September 2022. Tagged: Author.

Pseudonym – in full The Right Rev Artegall Smith, D.D. – of Philip Norton (1841-1924), UK clergyman and author, active in the former capacity 1871-1924. As Artegall Smith he published one sf novel, Sub Sole, or Under the Sun: Missionary Adventures in the Great Sahara (1889), in which the Wandering Jew reveals to Artegall Smith the wonders of an Underground Lost World located beneath the Sahara and peopled by the Lost Tribes of Israel, who have created there a scientific civilization. Smith soon converts them and marries the girl of his choice. Unusually for UK fiction before 1940, Jews are treated with some respect. [JC]
The Reverend Philip Norton
born Mile End, London: 31 January 1841
died Eaton, Norfolk: 4 January 1924
- Sub Sole, or Under the Sun: Missionary Adventures in the Great Sahara (London: James Nisbet and Company, 1889) [hb/]
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