Spacesuits and Sixguns
Entry updated 25 May 2020. Tagged: Publication.
US Online Magazine produced by David L Duggins, Gatesville, Texas. It ran for six issues, Winter (January) 2007 to Fall 2008, though later issues went online rather later than their date suggested. It paid Semiprozine rates. This was an unabashed Retro-Pulp magazine of rip-roaring adventure stories – or at least that was the original idea when the editor conceived the magazine while he was recovering from a road accident. In the event he received stories of much higher quality than the Pulp-style title suggests, written by Eugie Foster, Lon Prater, Rachel Swirsky, Larry Tritten and others. Justin Howe's "By the Searing Flame" (Summer 2007 #3) is an historical sf story of an apparent miracle. Eugie Foster's "The Conviction of Praxis" (Summer 2007 #3) is about a toy with a mind of its own (see Toys in SF). By contrast, Lucy Snyder's "The Great Vüdü Linux Teen Zombie Massacree" (Spring 2007 #2) is a humorous Zombie spoof. There are plenty of Aliens in several of the stories, such as "Rise of Kencha" (Winter 2008 #4) by Erin Hartshorn. The final issue reprinted "In the Shubbi Arms" (July 1980 Galaxy; Fall 2008 #5) by Steven Utley and Howard Waldrop. Duggins sought to obtain good artwork and included a few art features, but the magazine never met the artistic standards he wanted. In the end it became too time-consuming, but Spacesuits and Sixguns was fun while it lasted. Its website is no longer active. [MA]
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