Teed, Cyrus Reed
Entry updated 12 September 2022. Tagged: Author.
(1839-1908) US author whose The Cellular Cosmogony; Or, the Earth a Concave Sphere [for full title see Checklist below] (1898) as by Koresh, argues in barely fictionalized terms for the existence of the Hollow Earth. Of more direct sf interest is The Great Red Dragon; Or, the Flaming Devil of the Orient (1909) as by Lord Chester, a Yellow Peril tale set in the Near Future, focusing first on an unsuccessful Chinese-Japanese Invasion the Christian West, and then on a great Disaster where the Sun is transformed into a world-embracing ring. [JC]
Cyrus Reed Teed
born New York: 18 October 1839
died Tampa, Florida: 22 December 1908
works (selected)
- The Cellular Cosmogony; Or, the Earth a Concave Sphere; Or, the Earth a Concave Sphere: Part I: the Universology of Koreshanity by Koresh: Part II: The New Geodesy by Professor U C Morrow (Chicago, Illinois: The Guiding Star Publishing House, 1898) as by Koresh [U C Morrow may be a genuine second author: illus/uncredited: pb/nonpictorial]
- The Great Red Dragon; Or, the Flaming Devil of the Orient (Estero, Florida: The Guiding Star Publishing House, 1909) as by Lord Chester [pb/nonpictorial]
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