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Terrin, Peter

Entry updated 10 June 2024. Tagged: Author.

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(1968-    ) Belgian author whose second novel, Blanco ["Blank"] (2003), depicts a disintegrative relationship between a father and son after the former has lost his wife, couched in terms that have evoked comparison to Franz Kafka. Of sf interest is his fourth novel, De Bewaker (2009; trans David Colmer as The Guard 2012), set in an Underground parking lot occupied by two guards who though sent occasional food supplies are never relieved of their duties, and who are gradually convinced that the End of the World has occurred, or at the very least some immense Disaster (see Paranoia). Their obsessive attention to the rituals of their functionary employment (leading eventually to atrocity) again evokes a Kafkaesque atmosphere, and also manifests the subtextual message of the tale: that a parking lot is where civilization ends. [JC]

Peter Terrin

born Tielt, East Flanders, Belgium: 3 October 1968

works (selected)

  • Blanco ["Blank"] (Brussels: De Arbeiderspers, 2003) [binding unknown/]
  • De Bewaker (Brussels: De Arbeiderspers, 2009) [binding unknown/]
    • The Guard (London: Quercus/MacLehose Press, 2012) [trans by David Colmer of the above: hb/uncredited]


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