Zornado, J
Entry updated 13 January 2025. Tagged: Author.
(1964- ) US academic and author whose Future History sequence, beginning with 2050 Volume One: Gods of Little Earth (2007; rev vt 2050: A Future History, Volume 1: Gods of Little Earth 2011), is set partly in the very Near Future and two millennia later, in what has become a virtual Ruined Earth as a consequence of a piling up of Disasters, including global warming (see Climate Change), Ecological degradation, Pollution and War. The plot is driven by the attempts of seemingly immortal survivors (see Immortality) of the near future world, whose Secret Master attempts to manipulate the desolation they have helped create give dramatic pointing to a tale with much on its mind. [JC]
Joseph L Zornado
born San Diego, California: 14 December 1964
- 2050 Volume One: Gods of Little Earth (place not given: speculativefiction.com, 2007) [2050: pb/J Zornado]
- 2050: A Future History, Volume 1: Gods of Little Earth (place not given: Iron Diesel Press, 2011) [rev vt of the above: 2050: pb/]
- 2050: A Future History, Volume 2: The Power at the Bottom of the World (place not given: Iron Diesel Press, 2011) [rev vt of the above: 2050: pb/]
- Inventing the Child: Culture, Ideology and the Story of Childhood (Garland/Routledge, 2001) [nonfiction: pb/]
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