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 Reginald Bretnor. The Compleat Feghoot: The Many Lives and Greatest Exploits of History's Punniest Space-Time Traveller (Baltimore, Maryland: The Mirage Press, 1975) as by Grendel Briarton

 Reginald Bretnor. The (Even More) Compleat Feghoot: The Many Lives and Greatest Exploits of History's Punniest Space-Time Traveller (Baltimore, Maryland: The Mirage Press, 1980) as by Grendel Briarton

 Ken Bulmer. Warrior of Scorpio (New York: DAW Books, 1973) as by Alan Burt Akers

 Lin Carter. Dreams from R'lyeh (Sauk City, Wisconsin: Arkham House, 1975),

 L Sprague de Camp. Heroes & Hobgoblins (West Kingston, Rhode Island: Donald M Grant, 1981)

 L Sprague de Camp. Literary Swordsmen and Sorcerers: The Makers of Heroic Fantasy (Sauk City, Wisconsin: Arkham House, 1976)

 L Spague de Camp. Phantoms and Fancies (Baltimore, Maryland: Mirage Press, 1972)

 Thomas M Disch. Mecca/Mettle (Seattle, Washington: Payseur and Schmidt, 2005)

 Lord Dunsany. The Ghosts of the Heaviside Layer and Other Fantasms (Philadelphia, Pennsylvania: Owlswick Press, 1980)

 Richard E Geis, editor. Science Fiction Review / Alien Critic (Portland, Oregon: Richard E Geis)

 Alexis A Gilliland. Wizenbeak (New York: Bluejay Books, 1990)

 Stuart Gordon. One-Eye (New York: DAW Books, 1973)

 Ursula K Le Guin. Dreams Must Explain Themselves (New York: Algol Press, 1975)

 Fritz Leiber. Heroes and Horrors (Chapel Hill, South Carolina: Whispers Press, 1978)

 Fritz Leiber. Rime Isle (Chapel Hill, North Carolina: Whispers Press, 1977)

 Sam J Lundwall. 2018 A.D., or The King Kong Blues (New York: DAW Books, 1975)

 Fred Saberhagen. Changeling Earth (New York: DAW Books, 1973)

 Stuart Schiff, editor. Whispers: An Anthology of Fantasy and Horror (New York: Doubleday, 1977)

 Stuart Schiff, editor. Whispers II (Garden City, New York: Doubleday and Company, 1979)

 Stuart Schiff, editor. Whispers III (Garden City, New York: Doubleday and Company, 1981)

 Darrell Schweitzer. Pathways to Elfland: The Writings of Lord Dunsany (Philadelphia, Pennsylvania: Owlswick Press, 1989)

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