In Our Spare Time
News item dated 16 June 2022
The SF Encyclopedia is a harsh mistress and takes up all too much of the editors’ lives, but once in a while we manage to snatch a little time for other projects. John Clute’s seventh collection of genre reviews and essays, Sticking to the End (2022) [cover by Judith Clute at left] was very recently released by Roger Robinson’s Beccon Publications. The latest from David Langford’s small press Ansible Editions is another study of past Fandom by fan historian Rob Hansen – 1957: The First UK Worldcon (2022), a freely downloadable ebook plus a paperback edition sold in aid of the TransAtlantic Fan Fund. Still forthcoming is a huge collection of sf criticism and commentary from SFE founding father Peter Nicholls, Genre Fiction: The Roaring Years, compiled and published by David Langford with the active support of the Nicholls family, and with a foreword by John Clute. All proceeds from the Peter Nicholls collection will go towards SF Encyclopedia expenses.
- Sticking to the End by John Clute [paperback]
- 1957: The First UK Worldcon by Rob Hansen [paperback and ebook]
- Genre Fiction: The Roaring Years by Peter Nicholls [paperback and ebook forthcoming]