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Gannon, Charles E

(1960-    ) US academic, a professor of English at St Bonaventure University, and author. He has worked extensively in Game Design and game writing – especially for the Traveller series of Role Playing Games – as well as working as a scriptwriter and producer in New York City.

He began to publish fiction of genre interest with "The Gift of the Magi" in Invasion (anth 1994) edited by Jerry Pournelle. His first major contribution was the academic study Rumors of War and Infernal Machines: Technomilitary Agenda-Setting in American and British Speculative Fiction (nonfiction 2003).

Gannon's first novels were collaborations in two long-running series, beginning with Extremis (2011) with Steve White in the Starfire series of ties to the game Starfire, and 1635: The Papal Stakes (2012) with Eric Flint in the Assiti Shards (1632) series. Since then he has contributed further novels and short fiction to these and other series. His first solo novels are in the Hard SF Caine Riordan / Tales of the Terran Republic series, starting with Fire with Fire (2013), which won a Compton Crook/Stephen Tall Memorial Award; the sequence is ongoing. [RR]

Charles Edward Gannon

born Teaneck, New Jersey: 17 March 1960




Assiti Shards: 1632

Caine Riordan / Tales of the Terran Republic

Black Tide Rising

For other titles in this series, see John Ringo.

Vortex of Worlds

individual titles


works as editor


Entry from The Encyclopedia of Science Fiction (2011-current) edited by John Clute and David Langford.
Accessed 21:46 pm on 9 February 2025.