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Greengrass, Jessie

(1982-    ) UK author some of whose shorter fiction, most of which has been assembled as An Account of the Decline of the Great Auk, According to One Who Saw It (coll 2015), is sf or fantasy, including "Winter, 2058", about a kind of Alien Invasion conducted via nodes where time is dislocated (see Time Distortion). The disquisitional elements in her first novel Sight (2018) evoke but do not directly exploit the topoi of Fantastika.

Greengrass is of specific sf interest for her second novel, The High House (2021), set in Near Future England, soon after East Anglia has been submerged in floodwaters; the eponymous elevated Suffolk Keep houses survivors of a family which had included a scientist concentrating on Climate Change, and who has attempted to prepare the High House to survive the rising seas; she does not herself survive the slow Disaster. Life, as the tale unpacks, goes on, though under the signs of aftermath duress and penury:

Somehow while we had all been ... doing those small things which added up to living, the future had slipped into the present.


Jessie Greengrass

born UK: 1982


collections and stories


Entry from The Encyclopedia of Science Fiction (2011-current) edited by John Clute and David Langford.
Accessed 00:20 am on 5 May 2024.