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Strickland, Brad
Working name of US author William Bradley Strickland (1947- ), who began publishing work of genre interest with "Payment Deferred" in Asimov's for May 1982, but who has concentrated mainly on fantasy, most notably perhaps in early stories like "The Herders of Grimm" for The Magazine of Fantasy and Science Fiction in April 1984 and in the Jeremy Moon sequence – Moon Dreams (1988), Nul's Quest (1989) and Wizard's Mole (1991) – which conveys its protagonist into a wittily constructed dream world, where he takes his stand. Strickland's first novel, To Stand beneath the Sun (1986), is an sf adventure whose protagonist, after awakening from Suspended Animation, must come to terms with a world dominated by women (see Feminism). Ark Liberty (1992) as by Will Bradley treats the ecocatastrophic (see Ecology) near-death of Earth with melodramatic panache, pitting its scientist hero against suicidal governments and embedding him – after his physical death – into the eponymous undersea biome as its Computer mentor and spirit, while centuries pass. The Young Adult Mars Year One sequence, comprising Mars Year One: Marooned! (2004), Mars Year One: Missing! (2004) and Mars Year One: Marsquake (2005), all with Thomas E Fuller, set in an experimental Keep on Mars, where its young protagonists must face various challenges that test their (and humanity's) fitness for Mars. After the death of John Bellairs (1938-1991), Strickland continued his Johnny Dixon fantasies for children, and other work based on Bellairs's example [not listed below]. [JC]
William Bradley Strickland
born New Holland, Georgia: 27 October 1947
works (selected)
Jeremy Moon
- Moon Dreams (New York: New American Library/Signet Books, 1988) [Jeremy Moon: pb/Dean Morrissey]
- Nul's Quest (New York: New American Library/Signet Books, 1989) [Jeremy Moon: pb/]
- Wizard's Mole (New York: Penguin Books/Roc, 1991) [Jeremy Moon: pb/Dean Morrissey]
Star Trek
- Star Trek: Deep Space Nine: The Star Ghost (New York: Pocket Books/Minstrel, 1994) [tie to the Star Trek universe: Star Trek: Deep Space Nine: pb/Alan Gutierrez]
- Star Trek: Deep Space Nine: Stowaways (New York: Pocket Books/Minstrel, 1994) [tie to the Star Trek universe: Star Trek: Deep Space Nine: pb/Alan Gutierrez]
- Star Trek: The Next Generation: Starfleet Academy #6: Starfall (New York: Pocket Books/Minstrel, 1995) with Barbara Strickland [tie to the Star Trek universe: Star Trek: The Next Generation: Starfleet Academy: pb/Catherine Huerta]
- Star Trek: The Next Generation: Starfleet Academy #9: Nova Command (New York: Pocket Books/Minstrel, 1995) with Barbara Strickland [tie to the Star Trek universe: Star Trek: The Next Generation: Starfleet Academy: pb/Catherine Huerta]
- Star Trek: Starfleet Academy #1: Crisis on Vulcan (New York: Pocket Books/Minstrel, 1996) [tie to the Star Trek universe: Star Trek: Starfleet Academy: pb/Michael Herring]
Mars Year One
- Mars Year One: Marooned! (New York: Simon and Schuster/Aladdin Paperback, 2004) with Thomas E Fuller [Mars Year One: pb/Michael Koelsch]
- Mars Year One: Missing! (New York: Simon and Schuster/Aladdin Paperback, 2004) with Thomas E Fuller [Mars Year One: pb/Michael Koelsch]
- Mars Year One: Marsquake (New York: Simon and Schuster/Aladdin Paperback, 2005) with Thomas E Fuller [Mars Year One: pb/Michael Koelsch]
- The Curse of the Midions (New York: Dial Books for Young Readers, 2006) [Grimoire: hb/Brad Weinman]
- Tracked by Terror (New York: Dial Books for Young Readers, 2007) [Grimoire: hb/Brandon Dorman]
individual titles
- To Stand beneath the Sun (New York: New American Library/Signet Books, 1986) [pb/]
- ShadowShow (New York: Onyx/New American Library, 1988) [pb/]
- Children of the Knife (New York: Onyx/New American Library, 1990) [pb/]
- Dragon's Plunder (New York: Macmillan/Atheneum, 1992) [hb/Wayne D Barlowe]
- Ark Liberty (New York: Penguin/Roc, 1992) as by Will Bradley [pb/uncredited]
- Kong: King of Skull Island (Milwaukie, Oregon: DH Press, 2004) with John Michig uncredited [tie to the Shared World: "Created by Joe DeVito": King Kong: pb/Joe DeVito]
Entry from The Encyclopedia of Science Fiction (2011-current) edited by John Clute and David Langford.
Accessed 17:07 pm on 12 February 2025.