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Whaley, John Corey

(1984-    ) US author of Young Adult fiction; his impressive first novel, Where Things Come Back (2011), is nonfantastic. But his second, Noggin (2014), depicts the Near Future surgical removal of its teenage protagonist's head (see Brain in a Box) after he has died of leukaemia, and Cryogenically stored for several years until medical Technology has sufficiently advanced for his brain to be attached to a donor body. His return to high school is troubled, as he is a boy in a man's body; but he slowly comes of age. [JC]

John Corey Whaley

born Springhill, Louisiana: 19 January 1984

works (selected)


Entry from The Encyclopedia of Science Fiction (2011-current) edited by John Clute and David Langford.
Accessed 00:10 am on 13 January 2025.