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Friday 17 January 2025
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Site updated on 13 January 2025
Sponsor of the day: John Howard
Martian, The
US musician specializing in sf-themed dance electronica. "The Martian" is Carlos "Empire" Ramirez (1980- ), who renders his name variously as "eMpyre ramireZ" and "eMpyre RamireX" (with or without the eccentric capitalization), and sometimes simply "Empire". He produces lively, fluid, funk-inflected synthesizer music, a self-declaredly "non-corporate hip-hop" with a high genre quotient. Releases include "Meet the Red Planet" (1992), "Sex in Zero Gravity" ...
Rogers, Lebbeus Harding
(1847-1932) US businessman and author whose The Kite Trust (A Romance of Wealth) (1900), which may have been self-published, follows the juvenile kite-inventors and founders of the eponymous compact into adulthood, enormous wealth, the discovery of new Power Sources and the construction of transatlantic tunnels (see Under the Sea), while all the while an interplanetary spirit instructs the cast on the history of ...
Stradling, Matthew
Pseudonym of Irish author Martin Francis Mahony (1831-1882), whose "Cheap John's" Auction: A Narrative in Three Parts (1871 chap) recasts the Battle of Dorking scenario, in allegorical form; the resulting tale treats defeated Britain without much sympathy. [JC]
Wells, Martha
(1964- ) US author most of whose career has been dedicated to fantasy [a highly selected Checklist appears below], beginning with the Ile-Rien sequence whose first volume, The Element of Fire (1993; rev 2006), applies some tropes from the Fantasy of Manners toolkit [see The Encyclopedia of Fantasy under links below] to colour in a tale of Magic. The second ...
Clay, Cynthia Joyce
(1954- ) US author whose Feminist sf tale, Zollocco: A Novel of Another Universe (2000), whose Earth-human protagonist finds herself transported to a world where a Gaia-like principle animates the forest; the argument of the book allows the inference that feminist goals are only to be achieved through a freeing of the spirituality of women. [JC]
Clute, John
(1940- ) Canadian critic, editor and author, in the UK from 1969; married to Judith Clute from 1964, partner of Elizabeth Hand since 1996. He began to publish work of genre interest with an sf-tinged poem "Carcajou Lament" in Triquarterly for Winter 1960 [ie Autumn 1959]; he began consistently publishing sf reviews in his "New Fiction" column for the Toronto Star (1966-1967), and later in ...