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Saturday 18 January 2025
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Site updated on 17 January 2025
Sponsor of the day: The League of Fan Funds
Lynch, David
(1946-2025) US actor, artist and musician and primarily filmmaker whose work extended Surrealism into mainstream Cinema and Television. Lynch's films tend to examine the uneasy truce between rationality and the unconscious mind by revealing how intimations of Sex, Identity and death make themselves felt in modern American communities. The term Lynchian was defined by David Foster ...
Milosz, Czesław
(1911-2004) Lithuanian-born Polish academic, poet and author, his first and primary language being Polish; mostly resident in Poland from the beginning of World War Two until he went into exile in 1951; in USA for many years; finally resident again in Poland from some point around 1990. The forced exiles of a world-observant intellectual of Milosz's stature through most of the twentieth century signal how savagely and perhaps irremediably Western civilization ...
Gutman, Dan
(1955- ) US author, almost exclusively of fiction for younger children and the Young Adult market. The long My Weird School series of picture books frequently verges on the fantastic [it is not listed below]. He is of some sf interest for the Baseball Card Adventures series, beginning with Honus & Me (1997), whose young protagonist finds that his Baseball cards work as ...
Duane, Diane E
(1952- ) US author, most respected for her work in Fantasy. She is married to fantasy author Peter Morwood (1956- ), with whom she has collaborated on several books. She began writing fantasies with the Tale of the Five sequence – The Door into Fire (1979) and The Door into Shadow (1984), both assembled as Tale of Five: The Sword and the Dragon (omni 2002), and later ...
Sand, George
Pseudonym of French author Amantine Lucille Aurore Dupin (1804-1876), a figure of cultural importance in France from the 1830s until her death; she published widely, an oeuvre which included about forty novels alone. Of sf interest is Laura: Voyage dans le cristal (1864; trans Pauline Pearson-Stamps as Journey Within the Crystal 1992; new trans Sue Dyson as Laura: Journey into the Crystal 2004). This is both an anticipation of ...
Clute, John
(1940- ) Canadian critic, editor and author, in the UK from 1969; married to Judith Clute from 1964, partner of Elizabeth Hand since 1996. He began to publish work of genre interest with an sf-tinged poem "Carcajou Lament" in Triquarterly for Winter 1960 [ie Autumn 1959]; he began consistently publishing sf reviews in his "New Fiction" column for the Toronto Star (1966-1967), and later in ...