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Site updated on 25 July 2024
Sponsor of the day: The League of Fan Funds

Arthur C Clarke Award

This award has been given since 1987 for the best sf novel whose UK first edition was published during the previous calendar year, and consists of an inscribed bookend and a sum of money from a grant initially donated by Arthur C Clarke. In 2001 the prize money – until then a constant £1000 – was increased to £2001 as a gesture to 2001: A Space Odyssey (1968); it has since risen by ...


Term occasionally used in sf for the hardware of Nanotechnology, as in Tom Cool's Infectress (1997), John DeChancie's Innerverse (1996) and Ian Watson's "Nanoware Time" (June 1989 Asimov's). [DRL]

Marvel Science Stories

US Pulp magazine, nine issues August 1938 to April 1941, revived for a further six issues November 1950 to May 1952; published by Postal Publications (first two issues), then by Western Fiction Publishing for the remainder of the first series, and finally by Stadium Publishing, all in New York, and all imprints of the publishers Martin and Abraham Goodman who would launch Marvel Comics in 1939. The first series was edited, uncredited, by Robert O Erisman ...

Chabon, Michael

(1963-    ) US author whose stories and novels frequently invoke and inhabit the fantastic, though most often the sophisticated and fluent Equipoise of his telling of these varied tales prohibits any pigeonholing definition of most of the stories assembled in A Model World and Other Stories (coll 1991) or Werewolves in Their Youth (coll 1999) as Fantasy or supernatural ...

Vale, Rena

(1898-1983) US scriptwriter, investigator for the California State Assembly Committee on Un-American Activities, and author who began publishing sf with the novella The Shining City (May 1952 Science Fiction Quarterly; 2012 dos), and with her first novel, The Red Court [for subtitle see Checklist] (1952), whose negative analysis of Communism and its planned takeover of America – including the use of fluoridation to ...

Robinson, Roger

(1943-    ) UK computer programmer, bibliographer and publisher, active in UK Fandom for many years. The Writings of Henry Kenneth Bulmer (1983 chap; rev 1984 chap) is an exhaustive Bibliography of one of the most prolific sf writers, Kenneth Bulmer, and Who's Hugh?: An SF Reader's Guide to Pseudonyms (1987) is similarly exhaustive in its ...

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