Anonymous SF Editors
Entry updated 11 November 2024. Tagged: Editor, Theme.

This entry, as a companion to Anonymous (dealing with never-identified authors), notes uncredited and never-identified Anthology editors who owing to their anonymity can be referred to only by citing their productions. Anonymously edited sf Anthologies are not particularly common, unlike the case with ghost and horror stories. We do not treat pairs of novellas or novels bound in Dos-à-Dos format (in the larger sense discussed in that entry) as anthologies.
Where their names have been identified, anonymous editors are generally listed in their own entries and/or, if another person receives editorial credit, the entry for that person. Thus Earl Kemp is the actual anonymous editor of The Science Fiction Novel: Imaginative and Social Criticism (anth 1959), for which Basil Davenport (who wrote the introduction) is erroneously given credit: this point is recorded in both their entries. Martin H Greenberg (whom see) worked anonymously on many anthologies for which only co-editors or "guest stars" received editorial credit. Celebrities may be provided with a ghost editor: Orson Welles's Invasion from Mars: Interplanetary Stories (anth 1949) was edited thus by Don Ward for Dell Books, and a variety of editorial ghosts not only compiled the extensive sequence of anthologies bylined Alfred Hitchcock but often wrote introductions in his name.
Sf anthologies with never-identified anonymous editors are now rare, although there are several early examples. The single most important such anthology is Sometime, Never (anth 1956), referenced several times throughout this encyclopedia, whose three novella-length contributions are William Golding's "Envoy Extraordinary", Mervyn Peake's "Boy in Darkness" and John Wyndham's "Consider Her Ways". Observer and Gollancz/Sunday Times newspaper sf competitions have generated anonymous anthologies of winners and runners-up [see Checklist below]. Although, as noted above, this encyclopedia does not normally treat two-book dos volumes as anthologies, the quasi-Belmont Double A Pair from Space (anth 1965 dos) below is exceptional in having an overall title. Anonymously edited volumes of contributions to the Shared World of The Web are listed under that heading. [DRL]
see also: Omnibuses.
anonymously edited works (highly selected; under construction)
- The Battle for the Pacific; And Other Adventures at Sea (New York: Harper and Brothers, 1908) [anth: four of the six speculative stories are by Yates Stirling Jr: illus/hb/uncredited]
- The Runaway Flying-Machine And Other Stories of Outdoor Adventure (New York: Harper & Brothers Publishers, 1910) [anth: hb/] The Fairies Return: Or, New Tales for Old by Several Hands (London: Peter Davies Limited, 1934) [anth: hb/uncredited]
- The Boys' World of Adventure (London: Pearson's, 1937) [anth: five stories from Scoops plus eight new ones: illus/Serge Drigin: hb/]
- Flights into the Future (London: The Thames Publishing Co, 1948) [anth: possibly edited by A M Low: hb/]
- Refuge for Tonight (Sydney, New South Wales: The Malian Press, 1952) [anth: chap: "Robert Williams" (ie Robert Moore Williams) on cover for one of three stories: pb/Stanley Pitt]
- A.D. 2500: The Observer Prize Stories (London: William Heinemann, 1954) [anth: introduction by Angus Wilson: hb/Mudge-Marriott]
- Sometime, Never (London: Eyre and Spottiswoode, 1956) [anth: hb/Stein]
- Taboo (Chicago, Illinois: New Classics House, 1964) [anth: Taboos: pb/]
- A Pair from Space: Giants in the Earth; We, the Marauders (New York: Belmont Books, 1965) [anth: dos: comprising vt of Titan's Daughter (1961) by James Blish and novella by Robert Silverberg from February 1958 Science Fiction Quarterly: pb/uncredited]
- The Gollancz/Sunday Times Best SF Stories (London: Victor Gollancz, 1975) [anth: introduction by Brian Aldiss: hb/nonpictorial]
- Let's Go to Golgotha: The Gollancz/Sunday Times Best SF Stories (London: Panther, 1979) [anth: vt of the above: introduction by Brian Aldiss: hb/]
- Isaac Asimov's Tomorrow's Voices (New York: The Dial Press, 1984) [anth: hb/]
- Gollancz/Sunday Times SF Competition Stories (London: Victor Gollancz, 1987) [anth: hb/nonpictorial]
- The Paranoid Fifties: Three Classic Science Fiction Novels (New York: Book of the Month Club/Quality Paperback Book Club, 1995) [anth/omni: comprising The Day of the Triffids (1951) by John Wyndham, I Am Legend (1954) by Richard Matheson and Time Out of Joint (1959) by Philip K Dick: pb/]
- The First Science Fiction Novel Megapack: Featuring Six Great Science Fiction Novels (Cabin John, Maryland: Wildside Press, 2016) [anth/omni: ebook: comprising Wolfbane (1959) by Frederik Pohl and C M Kornbluth; Slave Planet (1963) by Laurence M Janifer, Preferred Risk (1955) by Lester del Rey and Frederik Pohl, The Rat Race (1950) and Champagne Charlie (1950) by Jay Franklin, and Rememory (1990) by John Gregory Betancourt: na/]
- Dawning in the East (China: FAA/Future Affairs Administration, 2017) [anth: pb/]
- The Tales of Villa Diodati: The Origins of Iconic Science Fiction & Gothic Horror (Mineola, New York: Dover, 2023) [anth: stories written in 1861 by Mary Shelley, Percy Bysshe Shelley, John Polidori and Lord Byron: pb/]
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