Betancourt, John Gregory
Entry updated 10 July 2023. Tagged: Author, Editor.

(1963- ) US editor and author who became involved in Small-Press publishing in his teens, beginning to publish short fiction with "Vernon's Dragon" in 100 Great Fantasy Short Short Stories (anth 1984) edited by Isaac Asimov, Terry Carr and Martin H Greenberg; an earlier sale was the poem "The Argia" (Summer 1982 Space and Time), with Homer billed as co-author. In the early 1980s he worked with editor George Scithers at Amazing, soon founding a literary agency with Scithers and Darrell Schweitzer; in 1987 the three of them relaunched Weird Tales. In 1989 Betancourt became an editor for Byron Preiss Visual Publications, Inc, an important sf packager.
His first novel, Starskimmer (1986), a light comedy with numerous sf-author Tuckerisms, was published in TSR's short-lived "Amazing Stories" imprint but has no connection to the television series Amazing Stories; most of his subsequent fiction has been Ties [see Checklist below]. Rogue Pirate (1987) is fantasy, as is the more impressive The Blind Archer (1988), in whose ornate venue – the vast city of Zelloque – the Club Stories assembled in Slab's Tavern and Other Uncanny Places (coll 1990 chap) are also set. His first book of direct sf interest, Johnny Zed (1988), embeds a somewhat desultory political analysis of revolutionary movements in a portrait of a Near-Future USA whose Congress has become a hereditary gift of the rich, and whose populace has become lassitudinous. The Hercules trilogy opening with Hercules: The Wrath of Poseidon (1997), is historical fantasy. The futuristic devices of his second novel of sf interest, Rememory (1990), include brain-scans and the bio-engineering of humans into animal shapes, but the mystery plot that sends the cat-person protagonist down the mean streets of a corrupt government does not, in itself, generate much interest; and Pacifica (2005) with Linda E Bushyager is a Near Future tale set on an Island which draw tourists into a plan to govern the world.
Betancourt continues to seem an author whose skills are greater than his achieved work might lead one to assume – a sense of his writing career which, given his clear intelligence and ambition, could change at will. Given his founding with Kim Betancourt of Wildside Press in 1989, and his subsequent active management of the firm, he may continue not to concentrate – beyond the production of Ties – on creative work. [JC]
John Gregory Betancourt
born St Louis, Missouri: 25 October 1963
- Hercules: The Wrath of Poseidon (New York: Tor, 1997) [Hercules: pb/Latif Kazbekov]
- Hercules: The Vengeance of Hera (New York: Tor, 1997) [Hercules: pb/Latif Kazbekov]
- Hercules: The Gates of Hades (New York: Tor, 2001) [Hercules: pb/Latif Kazbekov]
individual titles
- Amazing Stories Book 5: Starskimmer (Windhaven, Wisconsin: TSR/Amazing Stories, 1986) [pb/Doug Chaffee]
- Rogue Pirate (Lake Geneva, Wisconsin: Windwalker Books, 1987) [pb/Jeff Easley]
- The Blind Archer (New York: Avon Books, 1988) [pb/Romas Kukalis]
- Johnny Zed (New York: Popular Library, 1988) [pb/Beau and Alan Daniels]
- Rememory (New York: Popular Library, 1990) [pb/Paul Youll]
- Born of Elven Blood (New York: Byron Preiss Visual Publications/Atheneum, 1995) with Kevin J Anderson [hb/John Howe]
- The Dragon Sorcerer (New York: iBooks, 2003) [pb/Ciruelo]
- Pacifica (Holicong, Pennsylvania: Wildside Press, 2005) with Linda E Bushyager [pb/]
- Slab's Tavern and Other Uncanny Places (Buffalo, New York: W Paul Ganley, 1990) [coll: chap: pb/George Barr]
- Performance Art (Holicong, Pennsylvania: Wildside Press, 1992) [coll: hb/Gahan Wilson]
- Playing in Wonderland (Holicong, Pennsylvania: Wildside Press, 1995) [coll: chap: pb/]
Robert Silverberg's Time Tours
- Robert Silverberg's Time Tours #6: Caesar's Time Legions (New York: HarperPaperbacks, 1991) as Jeremy Kingston [tie: Robert Silverberg's Time Tours: pb/Kevin Johnson]
- Robert Silverberg's Time Tours #4: The Dinosaur Trackers (New York: HarperPaperbacks, 1991) with Arthur Byron Cover, and T R Sullivan, all as by Thomas Shadwell [tie: Robert Silverberg's Time Tours: pb/Kevin Johnson]
Star Trek: Deep Space Nine
- Star Trek: Deep Space Nine: Devil in the Sky (New York: Pocket Books, 1995) with Greg Cox [tie to Star Trek: Deep Space Nine: Star Trek: Deep Space Nine: pb/]
- Star Trek: Deep Space Nine: The Heart of the Warrior (New York: Pocket Books, 1996) [tie to Star Trek: Deep Space Nine: Star Trek: Deep Space Nine: pb/Dru Blair]
Star Trek: other
- Star Trek: Voyager: Incident at Arbuk (New York: Pocket Books, 1995) [tie to Star Trek: Voyager: Star Trek: Voyager: pb/Dru Blair]
- Star Trek: The Next Generation: Infection: Double Helix: Book One of Six (New York: Pocket Books, 1999) [tie to Star Trek: The Next Generation: Star Trek: The Next Generation: pb/]
Roger Zelazny's Dawn of Amber
- Roger Zelazny's Dawn of Amber: Book One of the New Amber Trilogy (New York: iBooks, 2002) [tie: Roger Zelazny's Dawn of Amber: pb/Scott Grimando]
- Roger Zelazny's Chaos and Amber: Book Two of the New Amber Trilogy (New York: iBooks, 2003) [tie: Roger Zelazny's Dawn of Amber: pb/Scott Grimando]
- Roger Zelazny's To Rule in Amber: Book Three of the New Amber Trilogy (New York: iBooks, 2004) [tie: Roger Zelazny's Dawn of Amber: pb/Scott Grimando]
Roger Zelazny's Shadows of Amber
- Roger Zelazny's Shadows of Amber (New York: iBooks, 2005) [tie: Roger Zelazny's Shadows of Amber: hb/Aaron Campbell]
individual titles
- Dr Bones #4: The Dragons of Komako (New York: Byon Preiss Visual Publications/Ace Books, 1989) [tie: Dr Bones: pb/]
- Cutthroat Island (New York: Tor/Forge Books, 1995) [tie: pb/]
- Birthright: The Hag's Contract (Windhaven, Wisconsin: TSR, 1996) [tie: pb/Clyde Caldwell and Tony Szczudlo]
nonfiction (selected)
- Letters of the Alien Publisher (Woburn, Massachusetts: First Books, 1991) with Charles C Ryan [nonfiction: coll: pb/]
- The Sci-Fi Channel Trivia Book (New York: Boulevard Books, 1996) [nonfiction: pb/]
- The Sci-Fi Channel Encyclopedia of TV Science Fiction (New York: Aspect, 1998) with Roger Fulton [nonfiction: rev/exp vt of The Encyclopedia of TV Science Fiction (1990; rev/exp 1995; rev/exp 1997) by Roger Fulton alone: pb/]
- Encyclopedia of TV Science Fiction (London: Boxtree, 2000) with Roger Fulton [rev exp vt of the above: pb/]
works as editor (selected)
- The Ultimate Dracula (New York: Byron Preiss/Dell, 1991) uncredited, with Byron Preiss [anth: Ultimate: pb/Bruce Jensen]
- The Ultimate Frankenstein (New York: Byron Preiss/Dell, 1991) with David Keller, Megan Miller and Byron Preiss [anth: Ultimate: pb/Bruce Jensen]
- The Ultimate Werewolf (New York: Byron Preiss/Dell, 1991) with David Keller, Megan Miller and Byron Preiss [anth: Ultimate: pb/Bruce Jensen]
- The Ultimate Zombie (New York: Byron Preiss/Dell, 1993) with Byron Preiss [anth: Ultimate: pb/Bruce Jensen]
- The Ultimate Witch (New York: Byron Preiss/Dell, 1993) with Byron Preiss [anth: Ultimate: pb/Bruce Jensen]
- The Ultimate Alien (New York: Byron Preiss/Dell, 1995) with Byron Preiss [anth: Ultimate: pb/Bruce Jensen]
- The Ultimate Dragon (New York: Byron Preiss/Dell, 1995) with Byron Preiss and Keith R A DeCandido [anth: Ultimate: pb/Bruce Jensen]
- The Ultimate Undead (New York: ibooks, 2006) with Byron Preiss [anth: Ultimate: pb/Bruce Jensen]
Weird Tales
- The Best of Weird Tales (New York: Barnes and Noble, 1995) [anth: Weird Tales: pb/Bob Eggleton]
- The Best of Weird Tales: 1923 (Berkley Heights, New Jersey: Bleak House, 1997) with Marvin Kaye [anth: Weird Tales: pb/Stephen Fabian]
- Weird Tales: Seven Decades of Terror (New York: Barnes and Noble, 1997) with Robert Weinberg [anth: Weird Tales: hb/Bob Eggleton]
For the full series, see the entry for either co-editor.
- The Christmas Megapack (Rockville, Maryland: Wildside Press/Borgo Press, 2012) with Robert Reginald and Mary Wickizer Burgess [anth: ebook: Megapack: na/Sylvain Bouquet]
- The Cat Megapack: Frisky Feline Tales, Old and New (Rockville, Maryland: Wildside Press/Borgo Press, 2013) with Robert Reginald and Mary Wickizer Burgess [anth: ebook: Megapack: na/]
individual titles as editor
- Swashbuckling Editor Stories (Holicong, Pennsylvania: Wildside Press, 1991) [anth: pb/Pat Morrissey]
- New Masterpieces of Horror (New York: Barnes and Noble, 1996) [anth: hb/Ziga Design]
- Horrorscape: New Masterpieces of Horror (New York: ibooks, 2005) [anth: cut vt of the above: containing its first half: pb/]
- Horrorscape 2: New Masterpieces of Horror (New York: ibooks, 2005) [anth: cut vt of the above: containing its second half: pb/]
- Serve It Forth – Cooking with Anne McCaffrey (New York: Warner/Aspect, 1996) with Anne McCaffrey [nonfiction: anth: pb/Pat Morrissey]
- Amazon Nights: Classic Adventure Tales from the Pulps (Holicong, Pennsylvania: Wildside Press, 2005) with Arthur O Friel and Darrell Schweitzer [anth: pb/]
- Short Things: Tales Inspired by Who Goes There? by John W Campbell, Jr (Cabin John, Maryland: Wildside Press, 2019) [anth: hb/Dan Brereton]
- Horror: The Best of the Year: 2006 Edition (Germantown, Maryland: Prime Books, 2006) with Sean Wallace [anth: Horror: The Best of the Year: pb/Pieter Claesz]
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