Arden, Leon
Entry updated 9 December 2024. Tagged: Author.
(? - ) US photographer, playwright and author The Twilight's Last Gleaming (1972), an Alternate History set after World War Two, with General Alfred Jodl (in real life executed in 1946) governing the state of West Germany, which America invades to prevent German development of a nuclear capacity: too late in the event, as Germany bombs Russia. One Fine Day (1981) is a Time Loop tale whose protagonist awakens perpetually in the same day, starting in the same place at the time each morning; his attempts to seduce the woman he is in love with must begin afresh each day they meet. These obvious conceptual similarities, and the fact that Columbia Pictures had rejected his book before producing Groundhog Day (1993) a few years later, inspired Arden to sue the studio, unsuccessfully. Later stages of his novel become Equipoisal, with hints of supernatural agency. Some of the tales assembled in The Ice Child and Other Stories (coll 2015) are of sf interest. [JC]
Leon Arden
born New York
works (selected)
- The Twilight's Last Gleaming (New York: Crown, 1972) [hb/]
- One Fine Day (New York: Crown, 1981) [hb/]
collections and stories
- The Ice Child and Other Stories (Bloomington, Illinois: iUniverse, 2015) [coll: pb/]
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