Basque SF
Entry updated 14 July 2023. Tagged: International.
The Basque language, known as Euskera, is spoken by around 750,000 inhabitants of Basque Country and Navarre in Spain, and the department of the Atlantic Pyrenees in France. However, according to statistics, just over half are fully competent: not only understanding the language but being able to speak and write it correctly. Of these, only 100,000 people read literature in Basque, too few for a stable community of sf writers, editors and readers to exist; but over time there has been some native sf in addition to translations. This entry also covers authors born in the Basque Country who have written sf or fantasy in Spanish.
In general, Basque sf is scarce and not very relevant, although there are some remarkable works; but in terms of the central tradition of sf, many stories are too dependent on external influences despite the writers having at their disposal a wide oral tradition based on a rich Basque Mythology, as notably revealed by the priest, ethnologist, anthropologist and archaeologist José Miguel de Barandiarán (1889-1991), author of numerous twentieth-century investigations into Basque folklore.
One of the pioneering sf writers in Basque was Xabier Kintana (1946- ). His novella "Izaki berria" ["A New Creature"] (in Euskal Elerti 69 ["1969 Basque Literature"], anth 1969) tells how a Basque researcher aspires to develop an intelligent Hive Mind capable of communicating with human beings; in the story, values of tradition and progress are contrasted, the final choice being an idealized Basque rural environment that respects nature. Three years later Kintana wrote the short story "Ukronia" ["Uchronia"] (in Behin Batean ["Once Upon a Time"], coll 1972), a Satire with political purposes; in this Alternate History he described a ridiculously idealized Basque Country where nationalism has ruled for decades.
Miguel de Unamuno (1864-1936) provided one of the first examples of science fiction with the short story "Mecanópolis" ["Mechanopolis"] (1913 El Imparcial newspaper), a fable about the dangers of technology reminiscent of Samuel Butler's Erewhon. Ricardo Baroja (1871-1953) wrote the play El pedigree ["The Pedigree"] (1926), a fable on Eugenics that somewhat anticipates Aldous Huxley's famous Brave New World (1932).
En la Luna también se habla vascuence / Ilargian ere euskeraz ["Basque Is Also Spoken on the Moon"] (1967) by José Luis Muñoyerro (1925-2015) describes the first Basque voyage to the Moon, a bilingual Spanish-Basque edition. Two years later, the linguist Jose Luis Alvarez Enparantza (1929-2012), better known as Txillardegi, wrote the short story "Kosmodromo" ["Cosmodromo"] (in Kosmodromo, coll 1984), a Dystopia that could not be published until 1984. Itzal gorria ["Red Shadow"] (1972) by Txomin Peillen (1932- ), winner of the Txomin Agirre Prize in 1966, is a socio-political novel set in a fictional country with some dystopic elements; his collection Ale gorriak ["Red Grains"] (coll 2001) also includes some sf. Further 1970s Basque sf appeared in magazines, anthologies and literary contests.
In the 1980s, the French writer Maddi Pelot (1947-2016) published Biharko oroitzapenak ["Memories of Tomorrow"] (coll 1985), six stories set in 2050 in Euskal Herria after World War Three, and the novel Teleamarauna ["Teleamarauna"] (1987), which deals with control by Telepathy. Pelot's stories are close to the lyrical and the most progressive and literary visions of the genre; her collected works appeared posthumously as Olerki, ipuin eta eleberriak ["Poems, Stories and Novels"] (2019). Inaki Zubeldia (1945- ) wrote the first sf novel for children in Basque: Euskaldun bat Marten ["A Basque on Mars"] (1982), and Edorta González (1961- ) published Azken belaunaldia ["Last Generation"] (1988), a fable about the next step in the Evolution of Homo sapiens. The special "Future-No Future" issue of the magazine Susa (November 1986), dedicated to the noir future, includes several stories by Basque authors, along interviews, introductory texts, and so on; of particular note is "Celosamente gordea" ["Jealously Saved"], a short story by Jon U Baltza (1964- ) written in a degenerate Basque that is a passionate defence of the language.
The 1990s were far more productive. Jesús Mari Olaizola (1951- ), better known as Txiliku, wrote a new novel for children: 2061, antzinako kronikak ["2061: Ancient Chronicles"] (1990). Joanes Urkixo (1955- ) published Lurra deika ["Earth Calling"] (coll 1991) and the Children's SF novels Shangai Tom, espazioko zaindaria ["Shanghai Tom, Space Guardian"] (1992), Zeruak erori zirenekoa ["When the Skies Fell"] (1998) and Gerlari Zuria ["White Warrior"] (2003), a Sword and Sorcery tale that won the Apirila Prize for 2003.
The contemporary politician Iñaki Irazabalbeitia (1957- ) wrote two Space Operas: Arrotza paradisuan ["Stranger in Paradise"] (1991) and Uda guztiak eztituk berdinak, Isi ["Not All Summers are the Same, Isi"] (1995), plus Ipuin deslaiak ["Lighthearted Tales"] (coll 1999). Finally, Manu Lopez (1961- ) wrote the Young Adult novel Olioa urpean ["Like Oil Under Water"] (1998), a critical look at our consumer society from the Near Future, and the children's book Gogoa lege ["The Spirit Law"] (2005), a winner of the Baporea Prize.
With the arrival of the new millennium, sf production increased. Zura eta harrak ["Wood and Worms"] (coll 2001) by Julen Garikanopeña comprises two novellas. Kandido eta Euskadi independientearen ukronia ["Kandido and the Ucronia of an Independent Euskadi"] (2002) by Luis Haranburu (1947- ) is a strongly anti-nationalist political fiction. Azken gurasoak ["Last Parents"] (2003) by Aitor Arana (1963- ) is another example of sf for children, a winner of the Baporea Prize. Gloria Mundi ["Gloria Mundi"] (2004) by Fernando Morillo (1974- ) is a Technothriller set in the International Physics Center in San Sebastian, and the same author's Bilbo samurai ["Bilbao Samurai"] (2009) is a Post-Holocaust novel. Karonte ["Charon"] (2005) by Asel Luzarraga (1971- ) investigates the possibilities of using new Technologies to control human consciousness.
Apokalipsia guztioi erakutsia ["The Apocalypse Shown to Everybody"] (fixup 2009) by Joseba Gabilondo (1963- ), winner of the Erein Award for 2009, begins in the Neolithic (see Prehistoric SF) and posits the independence of the Basque Country in 2050. Nola ez dakizun hori ["How Can You Not Know That"] (2009) by Irati Jiménez (1977- ) features a lycanthrope (see Werewolves) in the Northern Basque Country. In Lurtarrak ["Earthlings"] (2011) by Xabier Monasterio (1959- ) an alien turns earthly civilization upside down with a lot of humour. Lasai, ez da ezer gertatzen ["Calm Down, Nothing Happens"] (2014) by Ana Malagon (1978- ) is a micro fiction book with a fantastic and futuristic touch. Ipuin izugarriak (anth 2004) edited by Xabier Mendiguren (1964- ) includes some fantastic stories such as "Isuritako ura ez da batzen" ["Poured Water Does Not Mix"] by Begoña Bilbao (1932- ) and "Adibidez" ["For Example"] by Ana Morales (1969- ).
Xavier Mauméjean (1963- ) wrote some fantasy novels in French: Les Mémoires de l'Homme-Eléphant ["The Memories of the Elephant Man"] (2000); the urban psycho-thriller Gotham, Le Masque ["Gotham: The Mask"] (2001); La Ligue des héros, Mnémos ["The League of Heroes"] (2002; trans Manuella Chevalier as The League of Heroes 2005), and its sequel L'Ere du Dragon ["Dragon Age"] (2003), winner of the Bob Morane Prize; La Vénus anatomique ["The Anatomical Venus"] (2004) and Lilliputia ["Lilliputia"] (2008), winners of the Rosny-Aîné Prize; and Rosée de feu ["Fire Dew"] (2010).
Perhaps the most interesting books for an adult audience are Etorkizuna ["Future"] (coll 2007) by Iban Zaldua (1966- ) and Belarraren ahoa ["The Mouth of the Grass"] (2004) by Harkaitz Cano (1975- ), an Alternate-History tale which won the Euskadi Prize 2005 in which the Nazis not only conquer all of Europe but also send a huge fleet to invade the US (see Hitler Wins). Zaldua also wrote Euskaldun Guztion Aberria ["Homeland of all Basques"] (2008) in which a Basque university professor in Alaska, lonely and bored, makes up a fantastic story about the Basque Country for people who know nothing about it; on the other hand, Zaldua scripted the Graphic Novel Azken Garaipena ["Last Victory"], a new uchrony (see Alternate History) related to Nazis and winner of the 2012 Euskadi Prize. Other important graphic novels are the adventures of Leire Riscal and Gato by Kike Infame (aka Kike Martínez-Inchausti) and Sr. Verde (aka Gorka Echevarria) set in a Near Future in a post-apocalyptic Basque Country: Morirse en Bilbao ["Dying in Bilbao"] (2018), Morirse en Sanfermines ["Dying in Sanfermines"] (2020) and Morirse en La Blanca ["Dying in La Blanca"] (2021).
Recent books of particular note are include Kaosaren Ederra ["The Beauty of Chaos"] (2017) by Yoseba Peña (1977- ) a Young Adult novel about a couple who live in a world where every night someone makes them forget what they experienced to repeat the same year over and over again (see Amnesia; Time Loop); Bioklik ["Bioklik"] (2018) by Asel Luzarraga, which develops the concept of biodemocracy, or democracy supported by highly participatory technology that in this instance becomes Dystopia; and the Ahire Munduak trilogy by Garazi Albizua (1985- ), dystopian Feminist sf comprising Izadia ["Nature"] (2018), Geun ["Spiderweb"] (2019) and an upcoming third novel
Bihotzean daramagun mundua ["The World We Carry in Our Heart"] (2019) by Maite Darceles (1971- ) is a new Dystopia that aims to make us think about on the search for happiness through the use of technology. Ataria ["Doorway"] (2019) by Yolanda Arrieta (1963- ) is a Young Adult novel and Kripton 85 ["Krypton 85"] (2019) by Itxaro Borda (1959- ) a feminist and queer story. Afrikanerrak ["Africans"] (2019) by Eneko Barberena (1983- ), winner of the Zubikarai Saria in 2018, is set in a Near Future in which European Union troops have taken over North Africa to control illegal immigration. Berriz zentauro ["Centaur Again"] (2022) by Katixa Agirre (1981- ) takes place in a world where Virtual Reality invades everyday life.
Sf in Spanish written by Basque authors is relevantly scarce, though there are some notable works. Magdalena Mouján Otaño (1926-2005) is an Argentine writer of Basque origin, author of the short story "Gu ta gutarrak" ["We and Ours"] (March-April 1970 Nueva Dimensión), a funny Parody that plays with the mysterious origin of the Basque people and their language. The publication caused the confiscation of that issue of the magazine by Franco's authorities, accused of inciting Basque separatism.
In the 1970s and 1980s, mention should be made of some Fanzines, such as Lux daemoniarum, Psicosis, IF ..., Caos, Xarabatz and Avalon. An early sf novel is Los anafroditas ["The Anaphrodites"] (1985) by Rafael Castellano (1943- ), born in Madrid but based in the Basque Country, that shows Dystopian details related to Sex and political issues. Another is El jardín de Marte ["The Garden of Mars"] (1990) by Javier González de Durana (1951- ), set in 2051 in an apocalyptic Bilbao that shows a completely destroyed Basque Country, isolated from the rest of the world after decades of infighting.
Probably the most important and prolific writer is José Antonio Cotrina (1972- ), author of a score of books and a hundred short stories and novellas (mostly fantasy but with some sf), who has also published for the US market. Additionally, the aforementioned Iban Zaldua published Si Sabino viviría ["If Sabino Would Live"] (2005), a hilarious novel full of Clichés about Basque idiosyncrasies. Ekaitz Ortega (1983- ) wrote around twenty sf short stories and Mañana cruzaremos el Ganges ["Tomorrow We Will Cross the Ganges"] (2017), perhaps the best Dystopia in Spanish, an intimate and allegorical novel that narrates the progressive loss of social rights and freedom of expression in the Europe of the Near Future.
The output of the Small Press Espiral (1994-2016), run by Juan Jose Aroz (1961- ), is also remarkable. He edited about sixty sf books, some of them by Basque authors such as Expedición a Cajal ["Expedition to Cajal"] (1998) by Juan José Sánchez Arreseigor (1965- ), Sombras de un mismo sol ["Shadows of the Same Sun"] (2003) and Devoradores ["Devourers"] (2009) by David Calleja (1975- ), DSK3 ["DSK3"] (2010) by Joseba Paulorena (1976- ) and Terápolis ["Terapolis"] (2015) by José Manuel González (1956- ).
Ediciones Cívicas continued on its way and published Paciente 101 ["Patient 101"] (2013) and Muerte en blanco ["Death in White"] (2017) by Joseba Paulorena, Peón blanco, dama negra ["White Pawn, Black Queen"] (2019) by Pedro de Andrés (1967- ), and some fantasy novels by the mentioned authors. Another fantasy of note is Su muerte, gracias ["His Death, Thank you"] (2016) by Abel Amutxategi (1978- ), a humorous novel in the manner of Terry Pratchett.
A very interesting online bilingual project is Borradores del futuro ["Drafts of Future"], which tries to put into practice Utopian actions with the help of speculative fiction, always related to a new paradigm in the economy, social relations, Ecology, culture and so on. Some important Basque authors have participated, including Katixa Agirre (1981- ), Iban Zaldua (1966- ), Danele Sarriugarte (1989- ), Karmele Jaio (1970- ) and Belén Gopegui (1963- ).
Related to awards, the Alberto Magno contest (1989-current) organized by the Faculty of Sciences of the University of the Basque Country is the oldest sf prize in Spain. Currently, it is endowed with €2,000 for the winning novelette in Spanish or Basque and €1,000 for the second, and it has awarded more than a hundred stories, which have been published in seven anthologies to date. Among the winners are important figures associated with the world of culture and the university, as well as sf writers such as José Antonio Cotrina with eight awards, Santiago García Albás (1973- ) with nine and José Manuel González with four. García Albás published some of his winning stories in Cybersiones ["Cybersions"] (coll 2014) and González in Recuerdos de la vieja Tierra ["Memories of Old Earth"] (coll 2011). Another important award was the Fantastic Short Story University Contest (1992-2017), organized by the same entity, which honoured the debuts of important Basque writers in Euskera. All the stories were published in three anthologies.
In the fan field, the SF Basque Association (TerBi) publishes a Fanzine and organizes a contest for short fiction. AnsibleFest is an important Feminist sf Convention held in Bilbao since 2018, attended by hundreds of people every year. Two of its organizers, Arrate Hidalgo (1987- ) and Laura Lazcano, are also responsible for the podcast on feminist sf ¿Qué haría Barbarella? ["What Would Barbarella Do?"]. Another outstanding sf podcast is Xerezaderen artxiboa ["Xerezade Files"] by Ana Morales and Jasone Larrinaga.
Finally, in Cinema, the first sf film in Basque was Josu Eizagirre Olea (1974- )'s Anabasa eremua ["Anabasa Area"] (1977), a post-apocalyptic fantasy. The director Alex de la Iglesia (1965- ) stands out with films such as Acción mutante ["Mutant Action"] (1993), El día de la bestia ["The Day of the Beast"] (1995) and Las brujas de Zugarramurdi ["Witches from Zugarramurdi"] (2013), a dystopian, apocalyptic or witchcraft film with many humorous and badass touches. His new work is the dark series 30 monedas ["30 Coins"] (HBO Spain). Another outstanding sf movie is El hoyo ["The Platform"] (2019) directed by Galder Gaztelu-Urrutia (1974- ). [MV]
further reading
works and collections in Basque
- José Luis Muñoyerro. Ilargian ere euskeraz ["Basque is Also Spoken on the Moon"] (San Sebastian, Spain: Izarra, 1967) [novella: pb/]
- Txomin Peillen. Itzal gorria ["Red Shadow"] (Zarautz, Spain: Itxaropena, 1972) [novella: pb/]
- Inaki Zubeldia. Euskaldun bat Marten ["A Basque on Mars"] (San Sebastian, Spain: Elkar, 1982) [novella: pb/Redondo]
- Maddi Pelot. Biharko oroitzapenak ["Memories of Tomorrow"] (Baiona, France: Maiatz, 1985) [coll: pb/]
- Maddi Pelot. Teleamarauna ["Teleamarauna"] (Baiona, France: Maiatz, 1987) [novella: pb/]
- Edorta González. Azken belaunaldia ["Last Generation"] (San Sebastian, Spain: Elkar, 1988) [novella: pb/]
- Txiliku. 2061, antzinako kronikak ["2061: Ancient Chronicles"] (San Sebastian, Spain: Elkar, 1990) [novella: pb/]
- Joanes Urkixo. Lurra deika ["Earth Calling"] (Tolosa, Spain: Erein, 1991) [coll: pb/]
- Inaki Irazabalbeitia. Arrotza paradisuan ["Stranger in paradise"] (San Sebastian, Spain: Elkar, 1991) [novella: pb/]
- Joanes Urkixo. Shangai Tom, espazioko zaindaria ["Shanghai Tom, Space Guardian"] (San Sebastian, Spain: Elkar, 1992) [novella: pb/]
- Inaki Irazabalbeitia. Uda guztiak eztituk berdinak, Isi ["Not All Summers are the Same, Isi"] (San Sebastian, Spain: Oria, 1995) [pb/]
- Joanes Urkixo. Zeruak erori zirenekoa ["When the Skies Fell"] (Durango, Spain: Ibaizabal, 1998) [novella: pb/]
- Manu Lopez. Olioa urpean ["Like Oil under Water"] (Irun, Spain: Alberdania, 1998) [novella: pb/]
- Inaki Irazabalbeitia. Ipuin deslaiak ["Lighthearted Tales"] (Bilbao, Spain: Gero, 1999) [coll: pb/]
- Txomin Peillen. Ale gorriak ["Red Grains"] (Alegia, Spain: Hiria, 2001) [novella: pb/]
- Julen Garikanopeña. Zura eta harrak ["Wood and Worms"] (Alegia, Spain: Hiria, 2001) [coll: pb/]
- Luis Haranburu Altuna. Kandido eta Euskadi independientearen ukronia ["Kandido and The Ucronia of an Independent Euskadi"] (San Sebastian, Spain: Hiria, 2002) [novella: pb/]
- Aitor Arana. Azken gurasoak ["Last Parents"] (Madrid, Spain: SM, 2003) [novella: pb/]
- Harkaitz Cano. Belarraren ahoa ["The Mouth of the Grass"] (Irun, Spain: Alberdania, 2004) [novella: pb/]
- Xabier Mendiguren, editor. Ipuin izugarriak (San Sebastian, Spain: Elkarlanean, 2004) [anth: pb/]
- Fernando Morillo. Gloria Mundi ["Gloria Mundi"] (San Sebastian, Spain: Elkarlanean, 2004) [pb/]
- Manu Lopez. Gogoa lege ["The Spirit Law"] (Madrid, Spain: SM, 2005) [novella: pb/]
- Asel Luzarraga. Karonte ["Charon"] (San Sebastian, Spain: Elkar, 2005) [pb/]
- Iban Zaldua. Etorkizuna ["Future"] (Irun, Spain: Alberdania, 2007) [coll: pb/]
- Iban Zaldua. Euskaldun Guztion Aberria ["Homeland of all Basques"] (Irun, Spain: Alberdania, 2008) [novella: pb/]
- Joseba Gabilondo. Apokalipsia guztioi erakutsia ["The Apocalypse Shown to Everybody"] (Tolosa, Spain: Erein, 2009) [pb/]
- Irati Jiménez. Nola ez dakizun hori ["How Can You Not Know That"] (San Sebastian, Spain: Elkarlanean, 2009) [pb/]
- Fernando Morillo. Bilbo samurai ["Bilbao Samurai"] (Tafalla, Spain: Txalaparta, 2009) [pb/]
- Xabier Monasterio. Lurtarrak ["Earthlings"] (Spain: Atoan!, 2011) [novella: pb/]
- Ana Malagon. Lasai, ez da ezer gertatzen ["Calm Down, Nothing Happens"] (San Sebastian, Spain: Elkar, 2014) [novella: pb/]
- Yoseba Peña. Kaosaren ederra ["The Beauty of Chaos"] (Spain: Gaumin, 2017) [novella: pb/]
- Asel Luzarraga. Bioklik ["Bioklik"] (San Sebastian, Spain: Elkar, 2018) [pb/]
- Garazi Albizua. Izadia ["Nature"] (Berriozar, Spain: Denonartean, 2018) [pb/]
- Garazi Albizua. Geun ["Spiderweb"] (Berriozar, Spain: Denonartean, 2019) [pb/]
- Yolanda Arrieta. Ataria ["Doorway"] (Berriozar, Spain: Denonartean, 2019) [pb/]
- Itxaro Borda. Kripton 85 ["Kryton 85"] (Baiona, France: Maiatz, 2019) [novella: pb/]
- Maite Darceles. Bihotzean daramagun mundua ["The World We Carry in Our Heart"] (Irun, Spain: Alberdania, 2019) [pb/]
- Maddi Pelot. Olerki, ipuin eta eleberriak ["Poems, Stories and Novels"] (Baiona, France: Maiatz, 2019) [pb/]
- Eneko Barberena. Afrikanerrak ["Africans"] (San Sebastian, Spain: Elkar, 2019) [novella: pb/]
- Katixa Agirre. Berriz zentauro ["Centaur Again"] (San Sebastian, Spain: Elkar, 2022) [pb/]
works and collections in Spanish
- Ricardo Baroja. El pedigree ["The Pedigree"] (Spain: R. Caro Raggio, 1926) [novella: pb/]
- Rafael Castellano. Los anafroditas ["The Anaphrodites"] (Spain: Ttarttalo, 1985) [novella: pb/]
- Javier González de Durana. El jardín de Marte ["The Garden of Mars"] (Spain: Haizagoa, 1990) [pb/Jesús María Lazkano]
- Juan José Sánchez Arreseigor. Expedición a Cajal ["Expedition to Cajal"] (Bilbao, Spain: Juan José Aroz, 1998) [pb/Koldo Campo]
- David Calleja. Sombras de un mismo sol ["Shadows of the Same Sun"] (Bilbao, Spain: Juan José Aroz, 2003) [pb/Koldo Campo]
- Iban Zaldua. Si Sabino viviría ["If Sabino Would Live"] (Madrid, Spain: Lengua de Trapo, 2005) [pb/Sean Mackaoui]
- David Calleja. Devoradores ["Devourers"] (Bilbao, Spain: Juan José Aroz, 2009) [pb/Koldo Campo]
- Joseba Paulorena. DSK3 ["DSK3"] (Bilbao, Spain: Juan José Aroz, 2010) [pb/Koldo Campo]
- José Manuel González. Recuerdos de la vieja Tierra ["Memories of Old Earth"] (Granada, Spain: Grupo AJEC, 2011) [coll: pb/Koldo Campo]
- Joseba Paulorena. Paciente 101 ["Patient 101"] (Bilbao, Spain: Ediciones Cívicas, 2013) [pb/C J Creative]
- Santiago García Albás. Cybersiones ["Cybersions"] (Gijón, Spain: Sportula, 2014) [coll: pb/Sportula]
- José Manuel González. Terápolis ["Terapolis"] (Bilbao, Spain: Juan José Aroz, 2015) [pb/Koldo Campo]
- Joseba Paulorena. Muerte en blanco ["Death in White"] (Bilbao, Spain: Ediciones Cívicas, 2017) [pb/C J Creative]
- Ekaitz Ortega. Mañana cruzaremos el Ganges ["Tomorrow We Will Cross the Ganges"] (Málaga, Spain: El Transbordador, 2017) [pb/Manuel Mota]
- Pedro de Andrés. Peón blanco, dama negra ["White Pawn, Black Queen"] (Bilbao, Spain: Ediciones Cívicas, 2019) [pb/]
- Certamen Alberto Magno de fantasía científica (1989-1994) ["Alberto Magno Scientific Fantasy Contest (1989-1994)"] (Bilbao, Spain: University of the Basque Country, 1995) [pb/]
- Certamen Alberto Magno de ciencia ficción 1999 ["Alberto Magno Science Fiction Contest 1999"] (Bilbao, Spain: University of the Basque Country, 1999) [pb/]
- Certamen Alberto Magno de fantasía científica 2003 ["Alberto Magno Scientific Fantasy Contest 2003"] (Bilbao, Spain: University of the Basque Country, 2004) [pb/]
- Certamen Alberto Magno de fantasía científica 2006 ["Alberto Magno Scientific Fantasy Contest 2006"] (Bilbao, Spain: University of the Basque Country, 2007) [pb/]
- Ganadores del Certamen Literario de Ciencia Ficción Alberto Magno 2007-2010 ["Winners of the Alberto Magno Science Fiction Literary Contest 2007-2010"] (Bilbao, Spain: University of the Basque Country, 2011) [online: na/]
- Relatos premiados del Certamen Literario de Ciencia Ficción Alberto Magno 2011-2015 ["Award-winning stories from the Alberto Magno Science Fiction Literary Contest 2011-2015"] (Bilbao, Spain: University of the Basque Country, 2016) [online: na/]
- Certamen Literario Alberto Magno de Ciencia Ficción 2016-2021 ["Alberto Magno Science Fiction Literary Contest 2016-2021"] (Bilbao, Spain: University of the Basque Country, 2016) [online: na/]
- El eco del espejo. Certamen Universitario de Relato Breve Fantástico 1992-1997 ["The Echo of the Mirror. Fantastic Short Story University Contest 1992-1997"] (Vitoria-Gasteiz, Spain: University of the Basque Country, 1992) [pb/Mintxo]
- Cristales rotos. Certamen Universitario de Relato Breve Fantástico 1998-2002 ["Broken Glasses. Fantastic Short Story University Contest 1998-2002"] (Vitoria-Gasteiz, Spain: University of the Basque Country, 2003) [pb/Antonio Ciprés]
- Altos vuelos. Certamen Universitario de Relato Breve Fantástico 2003-2008 ["High Flights. Fantastic Short Story University Contest 2003-2008"] (Vitoria-Gasteiz, Spain: University of the Basque Country, 2009) [pb/Koldo Sagastume]
- Basque Literature webpage (in Spanish / Basque)
- "Zenbait gogoeta zientzia-fikzioaren inguruan" by Iban Zaldua (in Basque). Hegats magazine #32 (2003)
- "Euskal zientzia-fikzio literarioaren tantak" by Marta Goikoetxea (in Basque). Pergola magazine
previous versions of this entry