Carson, Rae
Entry updated 12 September 2022. Tagged: Author.

(1973- ) US author, who is married to Charles Coleman Finlay; she began publishing work of genre interest with "First Waltz" in Neo-Opsis Science Fiction Magazine for 2006, almost entirely concentrating on fantasy for the first several years of her career. The Young Adult Fire and Thorns sequence beginning with The Girl of Fire and Thorns (2011) is romantic dynastic fantasy with Magic; the Gold Seer Trilogy beginning with Walk on Earth a Stranger (2015), which is set in nineteenth-century gold-rush California, follows the trials and exploits of a young girl with a dowser-like ability (see Psi Powers) to detect gold.
Carson is of specific sf interest for the Star Wars Ties Most Wanted (2018) and The Rise of Skywalker (2020), and for her first standalone novel, Any Sign of Life (2021), whose young protagonist awakens into a Near Future world that has been depopulated by a swift and savage Pandemic (see also Holocaust; Last Man; Sleeper Awakes). She gathers some survivors around her. It is discovered that Earth has undergone Invasion by Aliens. A sequel may have been designed for. [JC]
Rae Dawn Carson
born Oakland, California: 17 August 1973
Fire and Thorns
- The Girl of Fire and Thorns (New York: HarperCollins/Greenwillow Books, 2011) [Fire and Thorns: hb/Lara Jade and Sammy Yuen]
- Fire and Thorns (London: Gollancz, 2011) [vt of the above: hb/Collaboration JS]
- The Crown of Embers (New York: HarperCollins/Greenwillow Books, 2012) [Fire and Thorns: hb/Lara Jade and Sammy Yuen]
- The Bitter Kingdom (New York: HarperCollins/Greenwillow Books, 2013) [Fire and Thorns: hb/Lara Jade and Sammy Yuen]
- The Girl of Fire and Thorns Stories (New York: HarperCollins/Greenwillow Books, 2014) [coll: Fire and Thorns: hb/Sammy Yuen]
- The Empire of Dreams (New York: HarperCollins/Greenwillow Books, 2020) [Fire and Thorns: hb/Jim Tierney]
Gold Seer Trilogy
- Walk on Earth a Stranger (New York: HarperCollins/Greenwillow Books, 2015) [Gold Seer Trilogy: hb/Neil Swaab]
- Like a River Glorious (New York: HarperCollins/Greenwillow Books, 2016) [Gold Seer Trilogy: hb/Neil Swaab]
- Into the Bright Unknown (New York: HarperCollins/Greenwillow Books, 2017) [Gold Seer Trilogy: hb/Neil Swaab]
Star Wars Universe
- Most Wanted (Glendale, California: Disney Lucasfilm Press, 2018) [tie to the Star Wars Universe: Star Wars: hb/Florian Nicolle]
- The Rise of Skywalker (New York: Del Rey, 2020) [tie to the Star Wars Universe: Star Wars: hb/]
individual titles
- Any Sign of Life (New York: HarperCollins/Greenwillow Books, 2021) [hb/Jim Tierney]
collections and stories
- The Great Zeppelin Heist of Oz (Las Vegas, Nevada: 47North, 2013) with C C Finlay [story: ebook: first appeared in Oz Reimagined (anth 2013) edited by John Joseph Adams and Douglas Cohen: na/Galen Dara]
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