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de Vet, Charles V

Entry updated 13 January 2025. Tagged: Author.

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(1911-1997) US author, mostly of short stories, of which he wrote over 50 for sf magazines, beginning with "The Unexpected Weapon" for Amazing in September 1950. In his first sf novel, Cosmic Checkmate (March 1958 Astounding as "Second Game"; exp 1962 chap dos; exp vt Second Game 1981) with Katherine MacLean, an Earthman is sent to investigate a hostile planet whose inhabitants' social advancement depends on proficiency at the national Chess-like game, and must himself become involved in a desperate tournament. His second novel, Special Feature (May 1958 Astounding; exp 1975), rather flatly depicts media involvement in the filming of the depredations of a Cat-like Alien monster in St Louis. After some years of silence, De Vet became active once again in the late 1980s, for a short while. [JC]

Charles Vincent de Vet

born Fayette, Michigan: 28 October 1911

died 5 January 1997



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