Fayette, John B
Entry updated 1 April 2024. Tagged: Author.

(?1850-1927) US author of whom nothing is known beyond his unsigned occultish Fantastic Voyage tale, Voices from Many Hilltops [for full title see Checklist below] (1886), whose protagonist, by the aid of Magnetism, visits in reincarnated form various planets of the solar system – including Jupiter and Saturn (see Outer Planets) – whose inhabitants show him around; there is also a visit to Atlantis. [JC]
John B Fayette
born ?1850
died Oswego, New York: 6 September 1927
- Voices from Many Hilltops, Echoes from Many Valleys; Or, the Experiences of Spirits Eon and Eona, in Earth Life and Spirit Spheres, in Ages Past, in the Long, Long Ago, and their Many Incarnations in Earth Life, and on Other Worlds, Given Through the Sun Angels' Order of Light (Springfield, Massachusetts: Press Springfield Printing Company, 1886) [hb/nonpictorial]
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