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Green, Simon R

Entry updated 26 August 2024. Tagged: Author.

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(1955-    ) UK author, mostly of Fantasies [not listed below; for titles to 1996 see The Encyclopedia of Fantasy under links below]. He is perhaps best known in that genre for the substantial Hawk and Fisher police-procedural Sword and Sorcery sequence beginning with Hawk & Fisher (1990); in the horror genre, he is most prominent for the equally substantial Steampunk Alternate World Nightside sequence set in London and beginning with Something from the Nightside (2003). Green is of sf interest mainly for two linked Space Opera series: the Mistworld/Deathstalker Prelude sequence, beginning with Mistworld (1992), serves as a prequel to the larger Deathstalker sequence beginning with Deathstalker (1995) and ending with Deathstalker Coda (2005). The prelude sequence is set in the days when a Galactic Empire still ruthlessly dominates known space, giving itself over to various adventures and adventurers, mostly on the planet Mistworld. The larger sequence is dominated until his death by the eponymous historian/warrior/rebel Hero Owen Deathstalker, who gathers increasingly formidable allies around him as the empire topples; after his death a descendant carries on the tradition. The stories are told at a sometimes helterskelter pace, and in a farcical voice that can amuse. The spoofing (including some Tuckerisms with cannon-fodder characters named for UK sf figures) is, however, occasionally forced. [JC]

Simon Richard Green

born Bradford-on-Avon, Wiltshire: 25 August 1955

works (highly selected)


Mistworld: Deathstalker Prelude

  • Mistworld (New York: Ace Books, 1992) [Mistworld: Deathstalker Prelude: pb/Sanjulian]
  • Ghostworld (New York: Ace Books, 1993) [Mistworld: Deathstalker Prelude: pb/Sanjulian]
  • Hellworld (New York: Ace Books, 1994) [Mistworld: Deathstalker Prelude: pb/Sanjulian]
    • Twilight of the Empire (New York: New American Library/Roc, 1997) [omni of the above three: Mistworld: Deathstalker Prelude: pb/Don Maitz]
      • Deathstalker Prelude (London: Vista, 1998) [omni: vt of the above: Mistworld: Deathstalker Prelude: pb/Peter Mennim]



Holy Terrors Mysteries

  • The Holy Terrors (London: Severn House, 2024) [Holy Terrors Mysteries: hb/Jem Butcher]

individual titles


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