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Hunt, Walter H

Entry updated 18 November 2024. Tagged: Author.

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(1959-    ) US computer programmer and author whose Dark Wing sequence of Military SF adventures – comprising The Dark Wing (2001), The Dark Path (2003), The Dark Ascent (2004) and The Dark Crusade (2005) – traverses an unusually long time-span from the first volume, featuring the dominating human admiral nicknamed the Black Wing who sacrifices himself to resolve the war between humanity and the Alien zor; later volumes carry the epic, with some attendant richness and confusions, onwards through the centuries. A central later protagonist, as wars and dilemmas proliferate, Admiral Barbara MacEwan, shows some welcome Hornblower in Space characteristics. [JC]

Walter H Hunt

born Andover, Massachusetts: 1959



Dark Wing

Assiti Shards: 1632

individual titles

  • A Song in Stone (Renton, Washington: Wizards of the Coast/Discoveries, 2008) [pb/Jupiterimages/Veer]
  • Elements of Mind (Marlborough, Connecticut: Spencer Hill/Spence City, 2014) [pb/]

works as editor


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