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James Tiptree Jr Award

Entry updated 6 May 2024. Tagged: Award.

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This juried award has been presented since March 1992 in memory of James Tiptree Jr, for sf or fantasy fiction that best "explores or expands gender roles". It is usually given at Wiscon, the annual Convention held in Madison, Wisconsin. In 2019, in the wake of debates about the renaming of the John W Campbell Award and John W Campbell Memorial Award, it was decided that the award should henceforth become the Otherwise Award (from the 2020 presentation onward). Following the practice of the award's own website, winners below are listed by year of publication rather than presentation.

To celebrate this award's fifth anniversary in 1997, a panel of all past jurors voted on retrospective Tiptree Awards for notable work before 1991. An award to Tiptree herself was deemed redundant: the retrospective winners were Suzy McKee Charnas for Walk to the End of the World (1974) and Motherlines (1978); Ursula K Le Guin for The Left Hand of Darkness (1969); and Joanna Russ for "When It Changed" (in Again, Dangerous Visions, anth 1972, ed Harlan Ellison) and The Female Man (1975).

With gently Feminist irony, award funds are raised through bake sales and the sale of cookbooks. Additionally, fund-raising anthologies of relevant stories, essays and novel extracts have appeared: The James Tiptree Award Anthology 1: Sex, the Future, & Chocolate Chip Cookies (anth 2004), The James Tiptree Award Anthology 2: Sex, the Future, & Chocolate Chip Cookies (anth 2005) and The James Tiptree Award Anthology 3: Subversive Stories about Sex and Gender (anth 2007), all edited by Karen Joy Fowler, Pat Murphy, Debbie Notkin and Jeffrey D Smith. [DRL]



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